Chapter 24- Surprise

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Calum was wary as he approached Bailey in Reg. It had been almost since Bailey had yelled at him and he felt as though she had had enough time to calm down and possibly let him be around her again, as she had come back to school after being off for a couple of days.

"Bailey?" He said gently, placing his bag down under the desk. She turned round to face him, her face blank and unreadable.

"What do you want Tattoos?" She sighed.

"I want to show you something, after school."

"You want to show me something?" Bailey repeated sceptically, raising her eyebrow at Calum.

"Nothing sinister I promise." Calum added quickly. "It's, hard to explain. Just, come with me, please."

Bailey thought about the proposal for a second. Calum hadn't given her a reason not to trust him at any point, and she as sure that there wasn't a malicious bone anywhere on his body but she had put her trust in the wrong people before.

"Okay," she said. "But, promise me that I get to turn around and walk away at any point."

"It's not a bad thing-"

"Please Calum."

"I promise I won't stop you from walking away if you really don't want to go." Calum sighed. "But I swear, your going to love it."

"Whatever you say Tattoos."

The knowledge that Bailey was going to come with him after school was the only thing that Calum through the school day. Although Luke was better and back at school, and Michael was as- well Michael as usual, he still would've left if it wasn't for Bailey.

He had days where he didn't want to do anything but go to his special place and listen to music and get all of the built up anger and hurt out of his system. Unfortunately, these days almost always coincided with school, and he was forced to sit through hours of boredom in a loud packed classroom.

Maybe he was depressed, he didn't know. He didn't think he was. He was usually generally happy and he didn't have trouble sleeping or frequent mood swings. He had great friends, a great new family and a good life. His actual parents were the only setback.

Similarly, the thought of whatever Calum was going to show her after school was the only thing that stopped Bailey from walking out of school that day. She even went to French, which was a the first time since the incident with Blair.

"Ah Bailey, nice of you to show up." Her French teacher Mr Perkins said when she walked in. She could feel Blair's eyes burning into the side of her head, but she was not going to give him a reaction. She was a bigger person than him, she wasn't afraid of him anymore. She was going to show him, that he couldn't destroy her, mainly because she was already broken.

"Bailey, are you paying attention?"

"Yes Sir," Bailey lied quickly, snapping out of her daze. She had been too busy concentrating on her thoughts that she hadn't taken in a word Mr Perkins had said at the start of the lesson.


As Mr Perkins continued with his lesson, Bailey found herself drifting in out of concentrating, picking up a word or a sentence at a time. She had never been good at French. Languages were not her strong point. Nothing seemed to be her strong point though. She wasn't good at anything in school simply because she missed half of the course with her constant absences. Her eyes drifted shut as Mr Perkins droned on and before she knew it she was asleep.

"Bailey Winters! Wake up!"

Bailey's eyes flew open. She looked up to see Mr Perkins standing over her desk with an angry expression on his face.

"You are already behind in my class Bailey. At this rate you are going to fail this class."

"No offence Mr Perkins, but I really couldn't care less."

"Detention, tomorrow lunchtime. Now pay attention."

Bailey groaned, sitting up straight in her seat. She was exhausted. The last few nights had been the worst nights she had had in a while. She didn't sleep at all on Thursday night after the disastrous dinner party, Friday she had had one of the worst nightmares she'd ever had, the weekend was filled with her crying into her pillow or staring at the ceiling blankly. The night before had been the worst though. She had spent the entire night thinking about every single injury Darryl had inflicted upon her, remembering it vivid detail and at one point she swore she felt a twinge of pain in her arm.

It was safe to say that when the bell rang, Bailey was the first person out of the door.

She was now failing two classes and she knew that her English, Maths and Chemistry grades weren't high either. It was only a matter of time before she was failing the entire year and she didn't even care.

"Are you ready to go?" Calum asked as Bailey approached him after last period.

"I'm here aren't I?"

"Let's go then." Calum chirped and started walking out of the grounds. Bailey hesitated for a moment, but followed him. He seemed so happy and she didn't want to ruin that.

"Where are we going?" She asked.

"It's a surprise." Calum grinned.

"Calum, I'm not taking another step until you tell me where we are going." Bailey growled, stopping in the middle of the pavement, forcing the people behind her to step onto the road.

"Well you've just have to stay there then, won't you?" Calum replied sassily. "I can't tell you Bailey, it would ruin the surprise."


"Don't you trust me Bailey?" Calum asked her, looking her directly in the eyes. Bailey shuffled her feet a little, mumbling to the ground.

"I think I trust you too much." She said, finally moving again. Calum decided against questioning her, they were getting on well and he didn't want to ruin that.

Bailey followed Calum through the streets of suburban Sydney, questioning him repeatedly about where they were going. Calum refused to answer each time, casually whistling a tune to himself.

"How much farther?" Bailey whined, beginning to drag her feet.

"Not far. This way."

They trailed along one last street until Calum turned off onto a narrow beaten path through a patch of woodland. They came out in a clearing. Bailey spotted a rope swing tied to a tree. They were in Calum's special place.


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