Chapter 1

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When the door to Liv's room shuts behind us we all stand there, unsure of what to do next. Lexie and Niall are trying to come up with a game plan while I'm still standing here trying to make sense of what the hell just happened. I'm so confused by this entire night I feel like I'm suffering from whiplash. I don't even know how we got to this point. I was so excited before the party started. Not even for the party itself, but to see Liv. To finally give her my gift. I told myself, this was my last chance. This gesture had to make her see how much she really means to me, and if it didn't, nothing would and I had to give up. But of course, none of it happened like I planned.

The book did exactly what it was supposed to. It showed her how much I really do love her, and that I have for a lot longer than I've been admitting. Seeing the realization dawn on her face was like victory for me. She was mine, finally. For a moment at least. She was so happy, kissing me and telling me she loved me. It was so much better than I imagined it would be. I didn't have to even coax it out of her. She just said it. She loved the book and loves me. Her kiss took me by complete surprise. But kissing Liv is something that's like second nature to me. I can't help but go all in when she gives in to me like that. I could kiss her for the rest of my life and never get enough. Everything was perfect until she saw the deed to the house. Me buying that house was betrayal in her eyes. She didn't even let me explain that I didn't do it to sabotage her. I did it to help her. But that doesn't matter anymore. She's never going to trust me again. She's never going to kiss me again. That was my one shot and I blew it. It's going to take a while for me to accept that. After she stormed off I stayed on the roof for a little bit longer, trying to get myself together. I'd like to say I kept it together but I didn't. At least I can get a little bit of satisfaction from the charges for a few broken vases that'll inevitably show up on Liam's credit card. When I finally went downstairs I tried to sneak out to leave but Niall caught me and wouldn't let me leave. He asked me what was wrong but I wasn't ready to admit what had happened out loud yet. I had no good reason to tell him I was leaving so I was stuck. I looked for Liv, knowing I was the last person she would want to see but she was nowhere in sight. Now I know why. She was back here fighting with Liam.

Listening to him talk to her like that was probably one of the hardest things I've ever done. I should have said something right then but I could tell she wanted to handle it on her own. Everyone always coddles her and treats her like a child so I try not to do that. But hearing him call her a slut was the last straw for me. I tried to step up and defend her but she immediately stopped me. The way she was glaring at me put me in my place, reminding me that she is a strong woman and she doesn't need my protection, or at least she thinks she doesn't. So again, I bit my tongue and kept my mouth shut but it took all I had not to tear into Liam right there. My hands are still sore from clenching them so hard but it was the only thing that kept me from launching them at his face. Now I just want to sit with her and hold her and tell her he's wrong. She put on a brave face but I know this has to be tearing her up inside. I want to reassure her that nothing he said was true. The last thing I want is for Liam's insults thrown out in anger to affect how she sees herself. I know if she'd let me I could help her. I know how safe and secure I can make her feel in my arms. She doesn't want me to protect her but that doesn't stop me from wanting to. But she didn't want me. She thought I was trying to manipulate her when that was the last thing on my mind. I think that's the only thing that got me out of that door. But now that the dust has settled, my wounded ego is the least of my worries. No matter how much she wants to be alone, I can't do it. This is my fault. There has to be something I can do for her.

"I'm going back." I announce, interrupting whatever Lexie and Niall were talking about. For the first time I notice that we're the only ones left. I know Lou and Louis went after Liam when he stormed out. Did Lottie and the girl Louis brought back leave then too? Or did they hear everything? I can't be sure.

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