Chapter 9

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When we get back to our dressing room Liam and Louis are there waiting for us. We have one more interview to do before have to get ready to go onstage. Everything is so rushed we don't even have time to speak to each other let alone dwell on all the shit that's gone wrong today. By the time we get on stage I think Liam is finally able to push away his anger and get on with the show. It's strange how he can just pretend nothing happened and be totally happy on stage when he was so pissed just before the show started but I get it. I'm not thinking about the anger I have toward him for how he continues to tear Liv down. I wouldn't be able to stand onstage with him if I was. It's hard to be upset about anything with the adrenaline rushing through your body. At least for me, it is. I can't help but feel bad when Niall has to go off stage to puke halfway through 18. I know it's because he's stressed but of course, I can't tell Liam that when he asks what's wrong with him. Luckily when he comes back he just blames it on the heat and claustrophobia and we get on with the show. It's a good excuse considering the much smaller venue we're in tonight.

We've all gotten so accustomed to playing huge arenas, this is a completely different energy. I love it though. It feels more intimate; like we can interact with everybody in the place. I can see further than just the front few rows. I can even sort of see all our friends and family up in the balcony. It's all blurred figures and colors but I know it's Liv twirling Lux around dancing along with her. I don't want to take my eyes off of her but when I do I see Gemma is standing next to her with her boyfriend, leaning into him with his arms wrapped around her. I don't like it. It brings some of my anger back to the surface. I'm trying to talk and interact with the crowd but I'm distracted by his hands all over my sister. Right in front of me. He's really got some nerve. I don't hesitate to call him out on it. I want him to know that I see him and I'm watching him. Everybody thinks it's a joke and laughs about it but I'm completely serious. I know I'm supposed to be letting it go but that would be a lot easier if it weren't right in front of my face.

After the show, everybody gathers backstage to congratulate us and figure out what the plan for the night is. Except for Liv of course. Apparently she took Lexie's car home because she didn't want to ruin the night for anyone. After everything that went down today all I want is to be with her. I don't want her to be alone, left to think and start believing everything Liam told her about herself today. I'm already thinking of how we're going to be together tonight but I know there are a lot of hoops to jump through. Somehow, I think Lexie picks up on that too. When Liam and Louis suggest that we all go out, she's the first to agree. Since she wants to go, Niall is along for the ride. She even convinces Lottie, Gemma, and Michal to go too. With Lottie and Gemma out of the house it gives Liv and I the place to ourselves.

"Thanks for that." I tell her as quietly as I can. Luckily Niall is the only one left in the room but Lexie tells him to go ahead with the others and she'll catch up.

"Don't mention it." She says, waving me off. "Besides, after what Niall and I walked in on I think you two need some alone time." She jokes.

"We do. For that, and just to talk in general. It was kind of a crazy day." I say, knowing how big of an understatement it is.

"You handled it well though. I think you two are conditioned to deal with drama or something. You're good together." She says, completely off hand.

"You're being very supportive of us." I comment, still a little confused.

"You sound surprised." She says, calling me out.

"Honestly, I am. Especially after Niall's reaction. He practically ripped my head off over it. He's physically sick from the stress of helping keep out secret. I guess I expected the same reaction from you. Niall made it seem like you guys felt the same way about us being together."

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