Chapter 20

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After we leave Liam's room I can tell how angry Liv is. I shouldn't have let her come with me this morning. Liam is a master at pushing people's buttons, especially Liv's. I knew he wouldn't just accept our apology and he'd use our talk as an opportunity to be as nasty to her as possible. Then again, I know she wouldn't have taken no for an answer. I could've tried to shield her from him but it wouldn't have done any good. Her stubbornness has no bounds and there's no use arguing with her. I'll lose every time. Still, I hate that she had to sit and listen to him tear her down. But I am proud of her for standing up for herself. I know he didn't expect it and I can't help but feel some satisfaction that she proved him wrong.

As we walk down the hall, I take her hand to try and calm her but I can tell it's not doing any good. She doesn't pull away but she's squeezing my hand so tight I'm losing feeling in it. She's walking fast, matching my pace stride for stride even though she's nearly a foot shorter than me. When we get to my room she immediately drops my hand and starts pacing the room with purpose. She's fuming.

"Ok, let it out." I urge her as I rub my numb hand.

"God, why does he always have to be such an ass??" She shouts, letting out a groan of frustration.

"What happened to wanting to fix things and be friends with him again?" I ask, unable to hide my smirk. This is a huge change in her attitude from earlier. She was stressed about gaining Liam's forgiveness and now she looks like she wants to ring his neck.

"I wanted to be friends with normal Liam. Not this angry, childish, petty dick version of him. I cannot be friends with that Liam we just talked to. I fucking hate that Liam." She spits angrily, ignoring my amusement.

"I do too." I admit. It took all I had not to lose it on him back there. I wanted to give him a black eye to match Liv's. To be honest I'm still trying to talk myself out of it but I know it would only make things worse. 

"He's completely delusional. I can't believe he tried to say I controlled him! And how dare he try to accuse me of using you as a tool to get away from him. It's like he can't even fathom that I simply fell out of love with him. He has to make up some story about how I was scared and had to run! He refuses to take responsibility for anything!" She shouts, her anger only growing.

"He was just trying to get under your skin. You can't let him." I tell her calmly as I take both of her hands in mine. They're shaking with rage so I squeeze them tightly and take a few deep breaths, urging her to do the same but she's still too angry.

"I'm so sick of people questioning how I feel about you. First Niall, then Gemma, now Liam. Am I really that terrible of a person? Do I seem like the kind of girl to use a guy to get what she wants?" She asks, her eyes boring into mine as she demands an answer.

"Of course not. People question what they don't understand. Niall came around and so did Gemma. I'm sure Liam will take a little longer. You've just got to give it some time." I assure her.

"He can take all the time he needs. He can go to hell for all I care." She says, crossing her arms over her chest stubbornly.

"So you're ok?" I ask cautiously.

"What do you mean?" She asks, her eyebrows knitted together in confusion.

"Earlier you seemed really concerned about making things right with Liam and forgiveness. Clearly that didn't happen today." I remind her. 

"I was but it was stupid of me. I should've known he wouldn't listen to me."

"It's just too soon. He won't be like that forever." I assure her.

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