Let it go

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"My life is my message." ---Mahatma Gandhi

                                                                             CHAPTER THREE


      I was currently at school, listening to Ms. Harper rant about the 13 colonies and geography. This is why she can't attract men. She's too picky, intimidating, and can't stand to be incorrect! But, who am I to judge? I still have many things to improve.

The bell rang, indicating it was time for lunch. Dodging the cafeteria, I headed straight to my car. You see, I don't have friends. Maybe a couple of acquaintances, but not a true friend. That's all I've ever wanted. Someone there through thick and thin.Someone to  experience things with, get into trouble with, laugh and cry with, share secrets with. . . that one and only friend to tell me to turn right when I turn left. As you get older, you'll come to a realization that you don't need many friends. They become irrelevant. At the end of the day, when you really contemplate on that topic, how many friends do you have? Right now I have zero. If I go  to jail, who's going to sacrifice their hard earned money, just to bail me out?  If I get drunk at a party, who's going to take me home, and lie to my parents for me? Just random conflicts my mind often ponders on. Now, I have very close relatives, but that's invalid. Family is family. Friends are friends. Two very different topics. I remind myself everyday that I don't need friends.

Why do I need friends? So, I can regret telling them everything after we have an altercation? So, I can feel  empty when they expose my buisness to the school? So, I can attempt suicide when they make life not worth living anymore? I think not. I used to have loads of friends, until I realized they were useless and a waste of my time. They lacked manners, communication skills, and left me stranded when they entered relationships. Plus, they ran away with my dignity, pride, and personal life information. You'd be surprised at how much damage your "friends" can do to you. Never under estimate them. Of course, I had to learn the hard way. I was too stubborn and blind to realize these things. 

I was currently contemplating on where I wanted to go. I decided to park my car in the middle of the street. my car was basically blocking any cars that wanted to come down this street. Too bad. The neighborhood was beautiful and peaceful. Ah, peace at last. I sat indian style in the middle of street. I had a bag full of dry chow mein noodles and a bottle of limpton tea. I pulled out my phone and turned on Passenger- let her go. I closed my eyes. Thinking. I was just contemplating. Something I always do. Think. Memories. Bitter sweet memories. It was as if, there was a movie playing in my head.

"You see her when you close your eyes, maybe one day you'll understand why. Everything you touch surely dies."

I was now crying. Not because I was drowning in my sorrows, but the lyrics were so accurate. I used to be a naive, benevolent, brusque, querlous, and superfluous girl. I guess you could say I changed over the years. I get so angry when I reflect on my past. Its like it haunts me. I regret everything I ever did. It's too late to regret those events. Like they say, "The damage is done."
  I must  Learn to let it go. 

As I was talking to Aryama and the others. There was a lump forming in my throat. I felt like I was going to scream, and drown into the depths of despair. To prevent any oth that self pity, I swallowed that lump. Of course Aryama shone her light on me. It was to inform me, that there's still hope. I have to find the beauty in the ugliest days. She's letting me know that today will be a bright and beautiful day. I am not alone. Nature is forever mine, until the end of time. How many times must I express my never-ending love for nature? Nature Comforts me, listens to me, cares for me, looks after me. Something I needed and wanted. Nature sends me more positive vibes then my own mother. That's absolutely dissapointing. I suddenly felt a presence far behind me. Like I said, Im a intrepid and brazen human being. So, I never turned around. I continued to talk to Aryama. I was about to vent and pour out my heart to her. But, I stopped. And I'm glad I stopped, because I then heard someone behind me ask,

"Who are you talking to?"

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A/N : I hate this chapter. Excuse my writing, my mind is going berserk at the moment! ._. I understand if you're dissapointed. Who do you think the person is? Haha, I have to get my chapters together. If Bambi agrees to help me, I know it will be better. Please bare with me!

Thank you everyone!


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