sorry? | zen

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You keep on glancing at the small watch that encircled around your left wrist,but then again,it has been a quite a while you have been looking at it and standing all alone by the side of the time square in the central of Seoul where the talked-about humongous christmas tree was placed-enjoyed for the couples and families to enjoy the sight with crystal balls decorates the surroundings, hanging all the way up and down illuminating it as if they are stars.

Couples? Now where on earth has he gone off to.

You and your lover have mad a promise to meet here right before christmas eve-where he told you those cheesy lines about kissing you beneath the stars lit above you.

It's been over an hour more you have waited for him;not even a single missed call or texts.

You shook your head,trying to wait a little bit more,convincing yourself he will come any minute now.

But no,he didn't.

Even when the crowds began to leave one after another you still stand there,brooding deeply with your mind and your now cold fingers that felt almost numb shoving it into both your trench coat's pockets-the feeling of the frostbite began to engulf your body's temperature-it is so cold that every breath you drew produce a fog

You heave out a deep sigh,shutting your cellphone off after staring at it for a few minutes before putting it back into your purse.You were about to spun around and leave when it is past midnight and all the janitors has shut all the light off clean.

That is when you heard a shouting distance calling for your name along with his hastily running up steps echoing throughout catching your ears.

Some left people shot him a weird look where he is running off towards you,or the fact that why the heck a famous actor like him would be here late at night?

But then again,he introduced you as his girlfriend during the press conference to the whole world,claiming you belong to his.

However for now,all you could do was facing his way until he reached the spot where you stopped from walking away.

"{Y/N}.." he panted heavily,bending down to catch his breath whilst both hands resting on knees,

You only stayed silent,blinking at him.

Zen tilt his chin up to you,knowing your silence means you are not happy...clearly,not happy.

He bit his lower lip,gaining his composure back before shoving a bouquet of lily flowers in front of you,

"F-for you!" he declared,beads of sweats forming on his temples.

Your eyes shifts from the flowers back to him,not accepting the bouquet in your hands.

He sighs; "Look,i'm sorry that i'm late--"

"Very late." you cut him off,

He blinks twice before continuing, "Right,very late--but i swear i did not forget about our promise here,it's just that Manager Kim had me to stay back rehearsing my scripts--"

"I understand," again,you cut him off mid-sentences,leaving him to stop explaining briskly,

Your eyes droop down,refusing to meet his red ruby gaze,

"I understand,that you're..a star,and have to make your way to the top position of the best both actor and musical theatre player...that is why.." your voice trails off,

𝐦𝐲𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐜 𝐦𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐬Where stories live. Discover now