begin again | zen

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Applause to Taylor Swift's Begin Again reference Music Video.


"Let's break up."

You sigh for the umpteenth time.When was that? Two weeks ago? Or even a month? And damn it still resonates throughout your whole head. You are sure as hell you have done nothing wrong in the relationship-or did you?

You are having another staring contest onto the sapphire blue wall of your bedroom. You can't keep up like this; breaking up isn't the end and it his loss for letting go a great woman like you.

Alright! Time to move on,{F/N}! You mentally slapped yourself to some senses. You got up from the bed to wash yourself up;getting your own makeover ready-you pull up some white blouse with a pretty little ribbon in the middle of the collar along with a bright emerald skirt that ended the hem just right on your knees. You tied up your hair into a high ponytail and with a last touch,a red lipstick painted the curves of your lips then you are ready to go.

The weather is clearly supporting your newly begin life without your ex-lover.You took your usual bicycle and decided to roam around the street where mostly new cafes opened along the river bank of Seoul city which you have seen in the social media.

One of them caught your eyes where they displayed their various desserts and earl brunch dishes by the window.You slowly park your light vehicle and enters the shop with a bell chimed as soon as you opens the door.Immediately the smell of a strong aroma of vanilla mix with coffee enters your nostrils,a little bit of harmony feeling and the small-talk sound filled the air where there are a few guests seated each on a chestnut chairs and desks.

Your eyes scans the small area around to see an available seats until you found one by a grimy window painted in a grimy brown;decorated with pots of rainbow flowers each.
You took a seat and set your purse aside and reaches for the menu already prepared on it waiting for the waiter to get your chosen desserts and beverage before leaving you all alone again.

You took out a small notebook from your purse;enjoying the warmth of the sunlight shone straight upon you,you began to write a small diary and to-do-lists that you have been lacking these past couple of days just to mourn over your silly break up;a man who doesn't deserves you.

Just then when your eyes flickers up to meet with a pair of red ruby eyes in a sync into yours and even from this distance,you could already tell he is a gorgeous man with a white locks tied into a small low-ponytail descended behind his back. He tries to look at his friends back while they seems like they are in the middle of a conversations but he find himself catches a glimpse of your form again and again even if it is just for a second which made your cheeks grown red and flustered.

How can such a charming man is looking at you. There was a hesitant smile plastered across his feature and somehow,you return them with a small one.

Nothing happened that day until your desserts arrived and other than exchanging few glances with him,you finished your small meal and left the shop no matter how much you prefer not to but you have errands to run-restocking your house.

The next day came and with the addition of the desserts there tasted so exquisite,you decided to go back at the same afternoon where the sun shone brightly.
You took a sit at the very first seat you came the other day already for your liking after scanning through the desserts displayed by the counter payment this time and chose one.

You took out the very same notebook you brought with you yesterday but not until your eyes purposely scans around and there he is again;the sit he seated yesterday facing your way and this time,he is alone with a laptop he had in front of him seeming to work-one hand gripping the drink he had.

Feeling your intense gaze,his eyes narrowed to you as if he had expected you to be there again.His mouth forms a smile,wider than yesterday that sends loud beating in your heart which you automatically averted your gaze with a burning cheeks;trying to re focus back on the notebook.

If you have not seen it you would not have believe it when a hand tapped on your round table lightly enough to catches your attention and when you look up just to see who is the owner of that hand your breath hitches.Thought you are daydreaming when you see those handsome features of his this close.

"Hi,beautiful lady..?" He greeted,his voice light but hoarse,

"H-hello" You smiled,nervously.

"I can't help but to keep on noticing you," he start off. Smooth,Real smooth.

"I-is that so," you laughed,cursing in your inner mind of how dumb you are right now.

"If i may,to accompany you in this beautiful afternoon?"

Your heart fluttered; "Of course,you may."

"What is this young maiden's name that i have grown curious of?"

You giggled; "It's {Y/N},{F/N}."

"Ah,{Y/N}," Your name rolled by his lips.

"I'm Ryu Hyun but please,call me simply by the nickname."

He took a seat opposite of you and thus that is all where it started.

Day by day he would approach you,his sitting position slowly closes its gap to how it ended up beside you not that you mind; strange how you and him are able to talk things openly and how your jokes and his jokes are similar types.

He would often take a picture of you either secretly with his camera he had brought with him from the third day he is meeting you;nor asking for you to pose elegantly for him.
When he once sees a blister on your ankle because of your high heels,he would lightly scolds you to never wore them again if it is just wounding your skin and that you still look beautiful without them; How surprising to see he has the same taste in songs like you does. Exchanging stories even though it comes out as a shy at first.

Do you believe love at first sight? Because he does.

These cafe meetings slowly escalated to a date outside where he asks you out for a romantic dinner, various of events and even weekend night's movies.

So one early afternoon when the two of you was on the way back to his vehicle you somehow found yourself starts telling stories about your past lover where he had dumped you through a test message instead of saying it face to face;after a 3 years relationship?

It still pains your heart and ego;where did you do wrong? Are you too clingy? Ignorant?Heartle--

"Did you see the way the man saves the person he loves?" He interrupted you And when you turn to look at him, he had this silly smile on his face,

"I thought it was pretty dumb of her to reject him at the first place,no? I mean,even if i am a man i still have to admit he is good-looking--Oh! Do you want to hear how my best friend got his first love rejected then?" Zen piped up.

And you knew,he tries not to made you reminiscence about the horrible past. That is when all of it comes into your head as pieces.
How he threw his head back laugh like a little kid would do,he thinks that you were funny when your ex-lover never did; how his gaze would softened at your sight and a good considerate listener of a man he is.

You gotten your first kiss with him when he took you on another countless date by the riverbank where you two shared your first hand-in-hand stroll.
You who is feeling self-conscious tugging a few strains of your hair to the back of your ear and with him watching every single of your movement feeling his heart skips a loud beat.
He knew you are special, a loveable girl yet a passionate one.

His fingers that were laced with yours tightens lightly and pulls you closer to him gently. You knew what he is about to do as your cheeks heated up,dominated by the red tints on it. His eyes travels down to your lips,and seeing how his pair of ruby eyes are drawing nearer to yours,he finally pulls you into a softly,lovingly;breathing a two souls and love into each other with that kiss.

It was perfectly perfect.

You thought love is all about break and burnt and end,but on that day in the cafe,you watched it begin again.

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