Chapter 6: Don't Wake Me Up If I'm Sleeping This Life Away

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Chapter 6: Don’t Wake Me Up If I’m Sleeping This Life Away


I sat out on the couch in the lounge. It was about two am and CC had told me, earlier that day, that he wanted to speak with me once everyone was asleep. Soon, the bunk door opened and CC stepped out, sitting next to me on the couch. He reached over and turned on one of the lamps, providing enough light so we could see each other.

"So, why did you want me out here?" I asked.

"Let me see your arms."


"I said, let me see your arms."


"Elena, I saw the scars on your arms. Now let me look at your arms." I sighed and held them out for him to see. He heavily sighed and ran his fingers up and down my arms. "Why do you do this to yourself Elena?" He asked, looking up at me with tear filled eyes.

"It started in high school. Then, once I graduated, it was just because of my parents, when they would get on my nerves, this was my only resort. I'm so sorry."

"Promise me you'll stop."

"Like I said to Jackie, I'll try. I haven't cut since I've been out here, so I guess that's a good sign?"

"And I want it to stay like that. Do you have anything in your bag." I looked down at the ground. He got up and went to my bunk, rummaging through both my bag and my bunk, pulling out five. He brought me over to the window and we opened it, throwing the blades out.

"Now, doesn't that feel better?" He asked, closing the window and sitting back down. I nodded a bit and he smiled, forcing me to look up at him. He crashed his lips with mine, holding me close to him. I wrapped my arms around his neck, deepening the kiss. He pulled away and smiled at me again.

"Elena, I've had feelings for you since you got on this bus. Will you please be my girlfriend?"

"Of course Christian." I smiled and he smiled back, kissing me again.

"Do you want to sleep in my bunk tonight?"

"Sure." I smiled, following him to his bunk. He got in and I climbed in after him.

"Goodnight Elena." He whispered in my ear, kissing it and wrapping his arms around me.

"Goodnight Christian." I smiled, falling into a deep sleep.


Aww <3

Listening to Paradise City~ Guns N Roses


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