(Short) <«CARL-»> Jacob Black

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  "RON YOU LITTLE CUNT- CARRRRRL! YOUR PRECIOUS EYE!"You squealed, chunking your stick of butter at the TV screen.

  Whenever you got bored, you'd sit and watch The Walking Dead over and over and over. Often drowning the emotional woes of the hit TV show by getting a tub of your favorite ice cream..Then dipping a stick of butter in for even more unhealthy eating.

  And at the moment you weren't very happy. You were pretty sure the entire town of Forks was tired of hearing (YN) (YLN) ranting for the last..Oh I dunno..4 days. You were occasionally visited by your boyfriend/mate Jacob.

  But it was wise even to the supernatural beings that you were never to be bothered while watching TWD.

  "What's with your screaming. You sound like you're dying."Jacob sneered at you as he walked past into the kitchen behind you.

  You turned around, nibbling the pure stick of butter like a freak. No vampire, werewolf, siren, whatever the world had hidden under its sleeve could top a rare (YN) in its natural habitat.

  "I might as well be."You replied. Jake snorted and rolled his puppy brown eyes.

  "You're so riled up over a stupid TV show. Zombies aren't even real!"He argued, baring his canines a little.

  "You're real...who says zombies aren't. Vampires are undead. Zombies are undead..."

  There was a small silence.

  "Sh-Shut the fuck up and eat your butter.."

  "Yes Mister I-Act-Like-Nothing-Else-Is-Possible-But-I-Just-Happen-To-Be-A-Werewolf.."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2016 ⏰

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