Lgbtq Opinion (Part One)

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(This is going to be a semi long chapter with one or more parts coming after it.)

Noun//Dislike of or prejudice against homosexual people

Homophobic people are humans who just seem to hate people like you or me! Homophobic people are just shit heads that seem to think sex is meant for only a boy and girl. This gender is only chosen at birth. That romantic feelings are only meant for the opposite gender.

Well guess what?

Wrong. They are so fucking wrong I just want to punch them in the face. Sex is for anyone two (Or more) people that feel they have sexual feelings for them. Gender is what you feel, not what your born with. Maybe, you don't even have a gender or even have both genders. And romantic feelings can be shared with anyone you want. Even if that person is your same gender, opposite gender, transgender, agender, gender fluid, or more.

Homophobic people don't understand that what they are hating on, is just like being racist. I'm sorry but it is! They are hating us like we are trash forgotten to be thrown away. But we are not trash. We are people who are amazing and wonderful. We are anything but trash!




(And also to the asexual and/or aromantic people out there who feel left out in this chapter, wait till part two of this)

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