Random Dancing! XD (Gibby X Reader)

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This was requested by Edgiepancakes! Hope you enjoy everyone! XD

sorry if this seems a little random! lol, my friends and i are so random we kis nd rayp kids togethur on satdais 

LOL Enjoy!! :3

hi, am (Y/n) and am teh singer for teh webshow icarli!

I cleerd my throot nd leend to teh mic. I mayd i-contact (AHAHAH OMG A PUN LOL HAHA XD RELATABLE) wit my x-boifrend fredwurd betsen. he was sew cunt wen we dayted! 

butt now hees so ugli and stoopid!!!1!

he wonked @ me evin tho i didnt hav crush on hem anymoar. "in 5, 4 ,, 3 ,, 2, !1)

"i no, u c, sumhow teh worl wull chaynj 4 mi... nd b so wunderfil!"

az i sayng,, into teh mic, i rembered awl teh sweat times i share wit my new crush, Gooby!! so cute and cute!

I rember this 1 time:

we wur walk to skool and i trip and fall and he cach me and i fall ontop of him and my mlips are now on his lips what?! that insane!!!!1!

flashback over:

"liv lyf, breeth hair ik somehow we gunna get there" i rapped into teh mic. i rembered anuther memery wit gooby.

my memery:

we walk and i notice teh sunset and luk into its eyes. I stare at gooby and he dint stare @me bc he had anuther crush!!!! "isnt it butiful?" i sed to him.

gooby turned to me and he turned to me and when he turned me he turned to me he sed this and looked into my eyes and when he looked into my eyes he this is what he said

he said this: gibbeh

"o wow" i sed bac

flackbash over:

i luk into gobby's eyes as he was on teh tabil and taking off the clothing and dnacing his beautiful fat body while luk into my eyes. 

"im telling u just how i feel. so wayk up teh members uv my nashun, its ur tym to breeth theres no chance unliss u tayk 1, anytime 2 c teh brightur syd uv evry sichooayshun! sumfinks r ment 2 b so come hear and giss me kibby and leev it all 2 me" i sang 2 him and @that moment he luk into my eyes

Omg! guise! did u see his eyes sparkle in his eyes? "gooby" i wisperred into teh mic

"um guys, we record sho tho!" freddiew shooted @us in frustered. 

"hahhahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahhahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha" sma nd carli laffed at freddiew. 

"gibbeh" gooby wisped to me and he leaned in clothes and kisd my lisp with passhun nd his need 4 my hart. bc he needs mi


he needs ME

only ME

fight me for him, edgypancakes. I am Eva Anna Paula, Hitler's wife, i will tayk u down.

okay, u wanted this one shot so bad? bc u want to fantasize about meeting gooby nd u nevur wull. hes mein

"o wow" sed egiepancaks

"ye, he ist mein" i hitlered bac 2 her.

"meet me in the gas chambers @2:30,we'll fight for his luv there."

"no!" edgipancaks disgreed. "becuh i hav crush on Shakespeareofficial and am dayting shakespeareofficial. we can kis naow" egiepancaks sed 2 shakpuroffice 

then shakpuroffice leend in clothes and kissd egiepancaks on teh lisp1! 

i kisd gobby we all began 2 kis eech uthur!1! 


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