Taking it all in (Once-Ler X The World)

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hi, i am wons-lur but my friends call me oncie

this is my story how bad me be?

Onceler pon a time, ther was a person
He was a boi and she was a gril
Can j make it anymoar ovious
He was a tree chopper she was a ba-ba-loot.
He chopped down all the trees and the loraks came out
Hi"SED the loraks" I spek 4 teh tress!
No"u don't" I chop down all tress
"O"SED gril
Once LEr bent down nd pet teh aminals furie but nd teh loraks purd
"PURRRRR" loraks
Teh oncler also look @ teh gril nd SED ur aminal 2 let pet"
So teh gril took of hur legs and he per hur
"It's my momma and my brothers!!!" SED once LEr
Was true they were theRE!!!!
Momma bent down and maid out wit hur sun
Nd so dd teh borthers
In teh midil of it all, he SED out lowd 2 evur1 nd TIS is wut he SED
So he SED this: wow am d8 ever1?
His momma: u do wat ever u want onsie :)
Onsie- :) ;)
Yes!-the wold
Wanna go out world?-onsie
Yes-the world
Onsie- am overwhelmed. What do?
Raibow fast-date me
(Y.n)-date me
Onsie- okay
Momma- me too
Onsie- ok 🙃

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