Running Scared Chapter 9

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I told you I would upload really really soon :D

I personly love this chapter i think its cute so i hope you like it too :P

I reall enjoy writing this story and I don't know why i don't right it more often.

Okay so I hope you enjoy it

Oh and this is deticated to Misschefmokey <3


Chapter 9:

Not to self, do not kick Sasuke again... Urgh.

Akiza’s POV:

It had taken us three hours in total to get to a town. Many people starred at us. Who wouldn’t, I mean a hot guy just mysteriously walked into the town carrying a girl, who looked like a mess on his back.

Not that I think Sasuke’s hot...

“Sasuke can you put me down people are starring.” I pleaded.


“So... I don’t like being starred at!” I whispered slash shouted. “It’s embarrassing.” I said I little more hushed hoping he wouldn’t hear. He smirked cockily. Urgh, should not have said that. Stupid ego the size of a hot-air balloon. “You’re not going to put me down are you?”

“Nope.” He stated a little too happily making sure to pop the ‘p’.

“Fine.” I sighed in defeat. Dam him! Maybe I should yell ‘rape’ maybe he’ll put me down then. But then I’d feel bad... Dam my kindness.

We arrived at this hotel and from what I could see, which wasn’t much, it looked decent.

“Hi Sasuke~” The front desk girl said all too cheery. She was no younger then me

“Laura.” He nodded his head as a form of greeting. She giggled. Why? Don’t ask me. He didn’t say anything funny, stupid fan girls. An elderly man popped his head around the corner.

“Hi Sasuke.” He was probably the owner of the hotel and the girl named Laura looked like this man’s Grand daughter.

“Hello Sam.” Sasuke greeted.

“Who have you got there Sasuke?”

“Oh this is Akiza.”

“Hi, I’d greet you properly but he won’t put me down.” I said depressed as the old man chuckled.

“I’m guessing this is ‘the’ girl.” Sasuke nodded.

“Huh?” Laura and I said in unison.

“Is she your girlfriend?” Laura asked a little sad, Nawws I almost feel bad ... Almost.

“Something like that.” Sasuke answered.

“Well Sasuke I thought you would be here earlier but no biggy.” The old man chuckled handing him a key and whispered something in Sasuke’s ear that even I, being so close to his, didn’t hear. Sasuke nodded and thanked him before walking up the stairs.

“They seem nice.”


“So what did that man say when he whispered in your ear?” He smirked and put me down in front of the door to our room, 27.

“Nothing.” Sasuke answered unlocking the door to the sweet.

“Stop hiding things from me Sasuke.” He walked into the room and I followed closing the door behind me.

“Come on get some rest.” He said ignoring my last statement completely. I sighed and nodded looking around the room. I was a nice, simply room, it had a desk, 2 bedside tables, a wardrobe, then in the next room it had the kitchen which was filled with the essentials, the third and final room was a bathroom.

“Looks good only probably is there’s only one bed.”

“Oh really, I didn’t notice.” Oh he totally noticed.

“I’m not sleeping in the same bed as you.”

“I’m not sleeping on the floor.”

“Neither am I.”

“It’s the bed together or the floor.” He smirked evilly.

I sighed in defeat and got into the neatly made up covers of the queen size bed. I watched as Sasuke pulled off his shirt and pants stripping to his boxers and got into the covers. I blushed wildly, he did that on purpose. “What’s wrong Akiza you look a little red are you sick?” He said in his knowing voice. Oh he totally did that on purpose.

I turned away so he wouldn’t see my face as it got even redder; I probably looked like a tomato. He wrapped his arms around me and snuggled closer. My body instantly stiffened. “Shy are we?” He whispered into my ear in the same tone as before. I relax and closed my eyes.

“Go to sleep.”

“How can I when I have you tempting me?” He continued to nibble on my ear lobe.

“Because *yawn*” I turned and snuggled close to him. “I said so.”

Sasuke’s POV:

“Go to sleep.” She said in a distant voice like she was drifting off to sleep.

“How can I when I have you tempting me?” I nibbled on her ear lobe.

“Because *yawn*” She turned and snuggled into my chest. I tensed from shock then relaxed as I pulled her closer to me. “I said so.” She said as she drifted off to sleep. Her sleeping face was adorable.

 I kissed her on the forehead. “Good night beautiful.” I whispered before I myself fell into deep slumber.


I wish something like this would seriously happen in really life dont you  *sigh*
anyways guy I hope you liked it

but now I have a HUGE favor to ask of u :D
and its not to Vote Commetn and Fan... althought that would be great.

The video on the side with the song A Thousand Years by Christina  I made the video and if you liked the video PLEASE 'vote' it.

it took me a while and a lot of effort and i would be really happy if you would. :D

LOVE YOU GUY SOO MUCH (your like my 2nd family I swear :D)

Ill upload soon <3

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