Chapter four

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She walked out of the shop but before she could do anything, a tall man of around 40 approached her.

"Excuse me?"
"Show me your receipt"
She looked at him blankly for a moment.
"Did you pay for them?" He said pointing his head in the direction of her purchases.
"Pay? What does that mean? I'm terribly sorry sir I have no idea what you are talking about."
With that she left the shop, leaving behind her the most dumbfounded security guard.

The park close by called her name. The remaining bench was in the safety of the shade. She opened her bread and ate a few slices. She slowly began to feel her hunger be quenched.

After she ate, Penelope roamed around the city, searching for the same antique store that she was in earlier this morning.
" Ah miss you are lucky I was just about to close!"
" Oh really? Par-sorry miss." She stopped herself from being more polite, she heard a group of people say that word earlier on.
" Don't worry it's alright." said she with the largest, soothing smile she had ever seen.
"Oh thank you."
"So you wanted this porcelain doll? Lots of people wanted her but I said she was reserved."
"That is very kind of you. I really appreciate it." She said trying as hard as she could to imitate the shopkeeper's smile
" Do you have money this time?"
"Yes I do." They smiled at each other as she got the porcelain doll down from the shelf.

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