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I HAVE DIED AND LIVED. This thought comes to me as my eyes adjust to the blinding white. I have been to the end and I have been sent back. Back for what? A purpose? But what is this purpose? Why do I get a second chance? And why have I been told to stay away from Crowley?

My head pounds.

All my waking thoughts jumble together in a haze as I look up. The sky is bright red, as if it too, has died. I see movement around me and a dozen blurry eyes look down at me quizzically. Blinking, I look down at my body, my dress is crumpled but my skin is unscathed.

I clench my shaking palms.

I exhale.

Gingerly, I am helped up by Sam. He barely has time to run a hand down my face to make sure I'm okay before Crowley rips me from his arms. He palms my face and searches my body with his brown eyes. A single tear runs down his cheek. I wipe it away with a shaky finger.

My head pounds but I still have to bite my lip to stop myself from kissing him in front of the others. I've been dead for minutes. It's enough to miss him like it's been a lifetime.

"How is this possible? What happened? I thought you were gone. You should be gone," Crowley murmurs, his warm palm over my cheek.

I blink. My vision swoops and I shake my head to clear it.

"I was, but there was this man and he said I had a purpose and -"

I'm cut off by a deep voice.


"The girl needs rest, Crowley. And she needs her friends, the people she can trust. Not a conniving demon,"

"King of Hell, darling, more than your ordinary conniving demon,"

I twist out of Crowley's arms. Castiel stands by Dean, his eyes narrowed at the demon behind me. Sam nods and places a hand on my arm, indicating that all is forgiven if I go with them. But I can't. I love Crowley and cannot abandon him like this. I think of where this all started, and I realize I can only do one thing, I can make a deal.

I look at them all and square my shoulders. My body aches for rest and my mind swoops but I stand my ground.

"I'll go with you if Crowley can still visit me. I want to be a part of this war and do my part, " I glance back at Crowley, "And I can't do it stuck in a mansion."

Castiel shakes his head and Deans jaw clenches, green eyes alight with anger, "No. We can't have a demon jeopardising our mission. Especially not this one," he spits.

"Fine, then I stay here,"

Dean and Sam look at each other. Dean glowers, but shrugs. Sam looks torn. Crowley and Castiel continue to glare at each other.

"We will be driving all over the country. He can only visit when we allow it. God knows why I'm even saying yes to you," Dean shoots me a glare. I look at the ground, cheeks aflame.

"We're leaving in five. Be quick." Dean orders before running his blazing eyes over Crowley and storming back out the gate. Sam smiles softly at me before jogging after him.

Castiel stands his ground longer, staring with empty eyes at me, "You have no idea the damage you've done. " He whispers before disappearing into thin air. I don't have time to think about his words before Crowley grabs me by the shoulders and spins me towards him.

He's furious.

Crowley's face is dark, his brow furrowed. "What are you doing Aderyn? You can't go with them. I love you," Crowley whispers, "You can't choose those dimwits over me,"

"I have to help them, Crowley," I say, folding my arms across my chest, "I owe them that much, at least,"

"You don't owe anyone anything!" Crowley yells and his eyes turn pitch black, "Just because their little friends died doesn't mean you have to replace them. You'll be safe here, and you'll be with me. Please. Please, darling, stay with me,"

I throw my hands into the air. He doesn't understand. My eyes start to water.

"I can't! I can't just stay with you and act like the world is perfect when it's not! I want to do something against Lucifer and I'm sorry if you can't handle that," My eyes start watering furiously. Crowley's face is stone placid, his pitiless, black eyes boring into mine. The only movement is his jaw as it clenches.

My throat burns. "I'll see you as often as I can, okay? I promise."

I kiss him once on the lips before backing away. He stands in the same spot, his face a mask of shock and pain, his eyes glittering. He watches me go and I can't help but feel as if I've left a part of my heart behind.

As if I've made another mistake.

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