Chapter 5

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**Alex's POV**

I wake up and check my clock which says 3:50 p.m damn I really over slept. I looked at my phone and had over 20 missed calls and 15 missed messages from both Michele and my mom. "Austin?", were is he ? He's not in my room , I hope he's not asleep with Eileen, it's just she's been through so much I don't want anything bad happening to her. I get up quickly and walk over to Eileen's room. I get inside and see them both cuddling with each other , I went over to Eileen's phone and took some pictures of them and I hacked her Instagram. I put a video of me messing with Eileen and Austin sleeping then ending it 'but they really are cute' and Eileen woke up .

**Your POV**

I knew I was dreaming because I had imagined Austin really was in love with me and we had a baby boy. Yeah I know I'm getting my self into some big trouble because he's popular and I'm a nerdy nobody. I woke up to Alex, he was on my Instagram. I looked to my side and saw Austin hugging me, oh my god how he looked so hot especially his morning hair. "Get up Eileen ! Mom wants to talk to you" Alex says throwing a pillow at me leaving my room." I would if Austin would get off of me lol" I said kinda enjoying Austin sleep next to me. I poked his face and he jumped off the bed," god Eileen you scared me ! And by the way you could of just pushed me you know lol" he said but I just laughed and went to Alex's room." Here mom wants to talk to you" Alex says throwing me the phone," Hello?" I said." Eileen honey don't forget you leave with your dad on Thursday and your gonna stay the weekend" she said. Austin came to the door way and wrapped his arms around me, I poked his stomach and sat next to Alex . "Oh yeah okay mom thanks for reminding me and oh have fun at work !" I said handing Alex back his phone. "Bye mom we love you too" Alex said hanging up then looked at me and Austin weird. "So you two going out yet?" He said but Austin kinda looked sad. "Not yet we thought we would take it slow" I said. "Oh and Austin your mom was calling" Alex said. "Alright well I'll see you guys tomorrow at school, bye Eileen" Austin said still kinda sad. I hugged him and said, "bye Austin, I really had fun yesterday" I said walking him to the door." Bye bro see ya tomorrow " Alex said," see ya" Austin said. I walked Austin down stairs to the door," I had fun to , now I know a lot about you" he said and that made me smile. I giggled and said "yeah, now I know more about you too" I said going in to hug him. I couldn't help but kiss he's cheek, we both blushed and he kissed my cheek back," bye Eileen" he said making me smile like crazy! He left walking to his car good thing he lived like 2 streets down. I closed the door as I saw Austin leave and I couldn't keep my mind off of what happened. He can actually have a crush on me I thought to myself. I went back upstairs to my room and shut the door.

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