Chapter 4: Too Hot & Off-Limits

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After the midnight dance routine, I take a quick shower before heading over to the bar. Before I went on stage, I checked the CCTV screens. Just as Cat predicted, all the guys in the club seem to want a drink from our new girl. Brooke appeared to be keeping up at the time, but Cat went home thirty minutes ago and my two remaining bartenders are more than likely pulling their hair out trying to serve everyone.

This is the one disadvantage of having a long bar. It works fine when we're fully staffed, but today it's extra real estate that needs to be covered. If I could go back in time and change one thing about my club, the bar would be it. We need four staff members to cover it, and right now we have two.

Tomorrow, I'm calling the recruitment agency. I've put it off for financial reasons, but Kane has picked up the slack for too long. Even if I'm working the bar every night – something I'd rather not do, even if it will help me get to know Brooke better – we need more staff.

Kane's look of relief is the first thing I see when I open the door to the bar. The next thing I see is how frantically Brooke is working. There are more men than women buying drinks tonight and they all want a piece of Brooke. And who can blame them? I nearly swallowed my tongue when I saw Brooke earlier. Seeing how well she filled out her uniform had me so hard I had to walk up to the bar just to hide it. I didn't miss the way Brooke's eyes devoured me when she first saw me, either. She's attracted to me, and the feeling is mutual.

If she was just a regular employee, my attraction to her would be inconvenient. But the fact that I need her help makes it a hundred times more problematic. If she agrees to help me, we'll be spending a lot of time together; I'll be trusting her with more than I've trusted anyone in my whole life. Which poses the question, how do I get to know her the way I need to without blurring the lines between us? Without making it seem as if I'm interested in more than just a professional relationship?

At the moment she's so busy that she hasn't realised I'm here. Both Brooke and Kane are due a break, but I can only let one go at a time. Since Kane is used to this rush – and I'm pretty confident he wouldn't take a break if I offered him one now anyway – I walk up to Brooke and tap her on the shoulder.

She whirls around, clearly startled. She looks exhausted and I instinctively put my hand on her shoulder, just like I would with anyone of my employees having a rough day. Immediately, I feel goose bumps break out underneath my hand, and I see rather than hear her quick intake of breath as she looks up at me. Her cheeks flush as her gaze collides with mine.

Damn this girl is responsive.

And dangerous.

I can't afford to think of her as anything other than my employee, and yet instead of moving away from her, I lower my head so she can hear me better – my lips just a breath away from her ear. There are goosebumps all over her skin now, I can see them. And I can smell the perfume she's wearing; a delicious combination of flowers and fruit. It's unique, and instead of removing my hand and taking a step back, like I know I should, I lean in closer.

"Finish up with this customer and then take a thirty-minute break. You've earned it."

She shakes her head. "We're too busy."

"Brooke, I owe you a break."

"I'm fine."

What was it she said when I interviewed her? That she'd work as hard, if not harder, than anyone else behind the bar?

"Why doesn't Kane go?" she asks. "He was here before me."

I like the fact she's a team player. I also like the fact she's worked her arse off all night and she's ready to keep going.

Dance with Me (He's the Boss): A Midnight Frenzy RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now