Chapter 8: The Deal

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The club is nearly empty when I walk through it on Monday afternoon, save for a few cleaning staff. I have no idea why Linc wants to see me today, but I'm dying to know. I've already imagined a hundred different reasons. Unfortunately, not all of those reasons are ones I should be imagining. The scenario where he tells me he's come up with some dance moves for the bar staff and wants to try them out with me is one of my most visited. In it, I end up flat on my back on his desk with my legs wrapped around his waist and him deep inside of me.

It's dangerous to fantasise. He's engaged for Pete's sake. And even though I don't understand his feelings for Claudia – even though he didn't appear to like her all that much – I still don't feel right thinking about him. Jemma said to appreciate him from afar, but I shouldn't even be doing that now, should I?

I search the dance area and bar for Linc. Finally, I see him sitting in one of the booths along the wall, talking to someone. It seems like he's in the middle of a meeting. Has he forgotten he asked me to come in today?

Suddenly, he stops focusing on the guy and looks straight at me. "Can you give us a minute, Brooke? I won't be long."

He looks incredible in his charcoal suit and white shirt. Every time I've seen him before now he's been clean shaven, but today he has dark stubble dotting his jaw line and his hair is a little messy. My stomach dips at the thought of spending time alone with him.


Aware that I sound just a tad breathless, I quickly walk away. Not sure what to do or where to go, I head towards the metal door and try to put in the code we used on Saturday night. Of course it doesn't work; it changes every night. I lean back against the wall, sliding down it and sitting on the floor while I wait for him, pondering again why he asked me to come here.

I hope it isn't so he can lecture me on how I should act when I get hit on. I almost died last week when he told Kane that Saxon copped a feel. Talk about looking ineffective and feeling stupid. The fact Linc could tell how uncomfortable I was from miles away was embarrassing. True, I hadn't yet figured out how to handle Saxon's flirtatiousness, but now I'll never have the chance. Ever since Linc yelled at him, Saxon treats me like I'm his kid sister. Honestly, I think I prefer flirty Saxon over brotherly Saxon.

Linc's expression is full of apology as he walks over around ten minutes later, finally having finished his meeting.

"I'm sorry. That took way longer than it should have. How hard is it to understand I want one type of liquor supplied, not another?"

I stand up as he punches the pin into the keypad, causing the thick metal door to spring open. "Not hard at all."

The grin he rewards me with makes my knees weak and my heart race.

"That's what I thought." He walks through the door and motions for me to follow him.

As I walk behind him to his office, I'm reminded of the interview I had with him just a few weeks ago. I'm as nervous now as I was then. No, I'm more nervous. Back then, I didn't know how amazing it felt to have him touch me. Nor had I developed the admiration and respect for him I have now.

God, I hope that's not why he's called me in here today. I'll die if it is. He must have noticed the way I blush around him and the way I react when he touches me. I've seen the awareness in his eyes. He knows I'm attracted to him. Please, please, please don't let this meeting be about him giving me the 'I don't date staff' lecture.

I'm nearly sick from nerves as I walk into his office and he closes the door behind us.

"Take a seat, Brooke," he says, sitting down at his desk.

Dance with Me (He's the Boss): A Midnight Frenzy RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now