Chapter 10: N.C.V (Night Club Virgin)

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Two and a half weeks later...

Looking and feeling sexy is something I've become accustomed to while working at Midnight Frenzy, but I've never felt as sexy as I do tonight. Belle and I spent our entire Saturday at the shops, having a girlie pampering session. We had our hair done, our make-up done, manicures and pedicures. And just when I thought I was ready to go home, Belle and I walked past Petticoat's, a sexy lingerie shop, and I made one last stop.

One very expensive stop.

I owned nice underwear before, but the things I bought from Petticoat's can't be described as nice. With no time for men or relationships, lingerie has never been high on my priority list. And while it hadn't been any higher on the list today, I wasn't able to resist running my fingers over one of the scraps of silk and lace that I saw in the store. The vision that followed of Linc tracing those same patterns and swirls on me made the panties I was wearing grow damp. Ten minutes later, I'd blown money that should have been saved on underwear. Underwear I wasn't able to resist wearing to work tonight.

It used to be that sex was rarely on my mind, but lately I can't stop thinking about it. I'm aware of my body in ways I've never been before.

Even as I walk through the door of Midnight Frenzy, the cocktail of perfume and cologne in the air is like an aphrodisiac. My simple yoga pants and T-shirt weigh heavy against my too-hot skin. My nipples are tight buds against the lace of my new bra, and there's a steady pulse low in my belly that has been there ever since I imagined Linc touching my underwear.

Kane grins at me from behind the bar as I approach. "Brookey."

I pretend to frown. "Please tell me that Jemma did not instruct you to call me that."

He feigns hurt. "Of course not. I don't do things just because Jemma tells me to."


Jemma has been hanging out at the bar a lot between dances, talking to Kane and me, and avoiding Nate. Fortunately, she's not downing shots the whole time, so I don't have to worry about it affecting her performance.

"How was your day?" he asks.

"It was good. I took Belle shopping. We had fun."

Kane pulls a face. "The words shopping and fun do not go together."

I laugh. "Typical guy. I'm going to go suit up."

"Hey," Kane calls out as I walk towards the door. "Don't you need the code?"

"Oh, yeah," I say, mentally kicking myself.

Linc sent it to me earlier because he knows how much I hate not knowing the code when I come in. I had a huge grin on my face when I saw his message, which contained a smiley face. Despite ordering it not to, my heart somersaulted in my chest.

"It's forty-three-forty-three. And before you go, I have a surprise."

"A surprise?"

"We've got five behind the bar tonight."

"All right," I say, high-fiving him.

Saturday night is our busiest night, meaning the club nearly bursts at the seams. Lately, we've had the right amount of staff to cover every shift, but Saturdays are still insane. Having five of us working the bar will be a relief, even if I'm already adding the extra expense to the bottom line in my head.

Ugh, I need to shake the figures from my head right now. The puzzle of balancing the books consumes my weekdays, and I allow it. But this is the weekend. Even if I'm technically working, I'm hanging out with people who have become my friends and watching the hottest dance troupe in the state, possibly the country, perform. So, good-bye accounting problems, at least for tonight.

Dance with Me (He's the Boss): A Midnight Frenzy RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now