Our current topic in English class is Shakespeare. Our task was to write a Shakespearean sonnet and I would like to share it with you. So here it is:
Thou words are like the ocean's deepest ground
A riddle behind this lovely rosered cheek
Only to solve when I have drowned
No one can understand thou when thou speak
Impossible to communicate with thee
When thunder disturbs our unlikely debate
Everything seems to be a mystery for me
I can only express my feelings through hate
But as long as we can talk through heart
And accept that we are natures living piece
No one can ever tear this bound apart
It will rise, be bigger, it will increase
No one can ever be just like the sun
And this is what makes us human since day one
A little bit of poetry
PuisiNur ein paar Gedichte, die mir während meiner Freizeit in den Kopf gekommen sind... Just some poetry I created in my freetime.