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"how long will it take for you to realize how much I love you?"

You stared at the at the mint green wall hearing the radio blare out news. Days pass after the incident and you've been treated nicely but the desire to go back still lingered.

"Amelia Jones was founded dead In her family Lake house. Blood was founded on walls and floors however investigators found out that was not only Amelia but (Y/N) (L/N)'s—" the broadcaster was cut off and was changed into another station.

"I think you had enough knowledge for now." You cringed tightly onto the covers hiding your form from the female.

Madeline stared at you with a worry in her eyes. She placed a thermometer on the desk next to the bed you laid in. She sat on the bed and removed the cover from your body.

"Go away." You said before curling yourself away from her touch.

She gave you a sympathetic look. She didn't know what to do to earn your trust. She placed her hand on your shoulder to try to convince you to let her take your temperature.

"Come on (Y/N), I just want to check your temperature." She plead, annoyed and wanting her to go away you let her check your temperature.

A warm smiled curled her lips, she removed a strain of hair from your soft face and placed a kiss on your forehead. You scrunch your nose in disgust and a long scowl was seen on your face. After few minutes of expecting she gave out a relief sigh.

"Your fever went down, th-that's a good thing." She muttered out.
Madeline reached out to stroke your hair but you slapped her hand away.

"Can you leave?" You bluntly stated before going under the covers.

Madeline couldn't help but feel frustrated but manage to keep herself under control. She gave out a tired sighed before exiting the room. Madeline gripped tightly to the key she hold in her small hands as she locked the room you were held in. The foot steps began to fade by the passing minute. You peeked over the covers to make sure she left the room.


You slipped out of the covers and began to walk towards the boarded up window. You stared down at your bruised and cut fingers but pursued to pry off the wooden plank that came between you and your freedom.

Your hands gripped tightly and began to pull with all your strength. Your small hand began to sting and turn bright red but that didn't stop you. You tried using your bare feet to kicked down the boards but fell backwards. Your head first came impact to the wooden floor. You yelped out in pain and gripped tightly to your now bruised head.

Foot steps were heard rather loud and quickly. Madeline quickly inserted the key and pushed opened the door. She found you on the floor groaning in pain.

"W-What happened?! A-Are you alright?!" She began to panic and ran towards to you to inspect your injuries. You flinched from her touch.

You eyes wonder around the door that was clearly wide opened. You seek for the opportunity and build the courage to shove her out of your way. She fell backwards causing her glasses to fall off as she yelped in pain as her head impacted to the floor boards.

You pulled yourself up and ran towards the door but Madeline reacted quickly. She threw herself managing to grip tightly to your ankles. Panicking, you kicked her face and ran out the door.

You frantically looked around for an exit but to your luck, all you saw was endless doors. You didn't have time for Eenie Meenie Miny Mo, you know it won't take long for her to recover.

You ran through endless hallways to finally managing to find a staircase.

"(Y/N)!! (Y/N)!! COME BACK!! I NEED YOU!!"

You ignored her pleas and quickly raced down the stairs. Only to be faced with another floor. You began to tear up from frustration wanting to desperately get out from your captor's hands.

"Please save me." You muttered entering a what seemed a shoe closet. You squeezed yourself in the farthest corner of the closet.

You covered your ears and began to rock yourself wanting to block out the sound of footsteps and door slams. You tried your best to calm your self but couldn't help but let the sobs escape from your lips. Closing your eyes to imagine a better place where mother didn't die and endless love and admiration from everyone.It wasn't long until to door was slammed opened.

Blood oozed from Madeline's nose and her busted lip filled her mouth with a Metallica taste. She was beyond tried and pissed but was glad to finally have found you.

You let the tears fall and your breath hitched as if a little child was crying for their lost mommy. It was the fifth game of Cat and mouse nor was it last.

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