The illusion I created in my head; a celebration between friends and a partner. It was perfect, gentle, a memory that will last forever. That's what I hated the most. It wouldn't leave, disappear, dissolved or be removed: it was the memory.
The flower stood alive and radiant, gently flowing in the wind teasing a certain bee tempting it to consume the sugary sweet. The bee approach with caution, it wanted to respect the white flower but was drunk with desire. At first was sweet like vanilla but the flower was not ready, it wanted to watch the sunset and appreciate the fresh and cool air of a summer afternoon.
However the bee was blinded with lust and became deaf at savoring the flavor it was receiving, completely ignoring the destruction and suffering of the flower. Flower couldn't move, talk, or truly express how it was feeling. She lied, I lied to myself that everything will end with a happy ending. That the bee won't leave me, that will love and nourish. Truth came in the end, the bee stayed and continue with the illusion that their purity were given to each other. Sadly, only one of them did.
(I hope this explains my absent from writing. I have been conflicted with my emotions lately and I'm currently trying to recover and fully function as before. I hope you will understand and I will try my best to go back to writing. Thank you.)
You Love I? (Yandere! Fem! Canada x Fem! Popular! Reader
Hayran KurguMadeline Williams (Fem! Canada) is a member of the (Name) Fan-Club. Finally getting close to the popular female loving the sexual meeting she had with (Name) but she wanted a serious relationship with her. (Name) refuses. After those words, Madeline...