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I am truly so sorry you haven't heard from me in so long. There has been so much going on here. My life has been so hectic. I've missed talking to you a lot to be quite honest.

I'm just going to warn you, you'll need to sit down for a while, because I'm about to catch you up on my life. Some parts may get boring, but some will most likely be interesting.

Let's start off by saying that I might have gotten in trouble with the law. That was scary, but kind of surprisingly fun? I know you're probably really disappointed or questioning what the heck I'm talking about, but I needed an escape. My life was becoming way too much of a stress hole or whatever. The day that I got so drunk I could barely walk out of the bar was the second month anniversary of Kinsly's death, yesterday was the third month. I know it's been like two months since I mentioned her and at this point I don't even know what I said about her, but she was the best person that had ever walked into my life. she was the best friend someone could ask for, she stuck with me when I went crazy and didn't even pay attention to her. I didn't deserve her, but not to the point where she had to be physically taken away from me. I don't know how I've survived this long without anyone here with me, I don't know how I've survived this long without her. I honestly don't think I can go much longer, but I'm trying my best to.

Anyways, the police kind of caught me and realized that I was only 16, I mean I still am for another month or so, but you know what I mean. I guess some people called them on me or whatever, because they only talked to me instead of also talking to the thirty other people around me. They brought me to the station and my dad didn't pick me up for two days (is that even legal?), he said that I needed to learn my lesson. I've never gone out and done something like that before, or even picked up a drink that contained alcohol before, so it probably came to a shock to him that all of that happened.

I guess what I'm getting to is that he wouldn't allow me to write to you, I know it's usually pretty easy just to sneak a letter in the mail, but with him looking in the mailbox all of the time it wasn't so easy. I guess that's the only thing he could take away from me since I have nothing else. I'm not going to spend time telling you about the letters I ended up writing, but not sending because I was even more of a mess than I am now. What I wrote is just all over the place and honestly makes no sense. But I do want to let you know I did write you about how I wanted you to be safe and how I hope you are safe, I also mentioned that fact that I wish I could come and give you safety (as creepy or weird as that may sound). I just want you to be safe and okay. I'm also not going to waste your time telling you how boring this past month or so have been either.

I'm just glad I can finally write to you again.

Thank you for spending some of your time caring enough about me to write a letter to me, it means a lot. You mean a lot. I hope things have gotten better for you.

Elise Fletcher
p.s. I guess you didn't have to spend that much time sitting after all, since I didn't write as much as I thought or intended on.



I noticed I didn't get a chance to respond to the letter you first sent me. So before I put that first letter in an envelope, I'm going to write this one to add in there with it.

I'm sorry to hear about that Derek guy, and I hope he's changed for you and that he's someone that is still there protecting you.

I love how you're opening up more and more to me. I love hearing about your life and how you're telling me about people in your life. I'm liking that Scott guy, he seems sweet and I'm glad he took you in.

Also, you okay lacrosse? That's hot. It's even more hot that you're one of the best on the team.

Whoops that was blunt, oh well.

I hope life is okay there in Beacon Hills, I would love to continue hearing about it little by little.


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