Crying (Hurt/Comfort CUTENESS)

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Sebastian Michaelis was currently wandering about the darkened manor, cleaning up and just making sure everything was running smoothly. Typically, he didn't do much at night. Did a few chores, made sure his master slept without nightmares, making sure no unwanted visitors came at night... But something felt off about tonight.

As Sebastian walked past his master's room, his expert hearing heard something unusual.


Not really aloud mumbling, more so like someone, his master, was whispering or just mouthing words to himself. Like he was reciting his thoughts to himself. Not to mention there was a heavy smell of salty water. Tears...? Sebastian felt a warm feeling of concern swell in his heart.

Truthfully, the demon cared for his master in some ways. He worried when the male seemed to give up, and smiled in adoration as the boy would get up, that same determination in his eyes. He enjoyed being a butler, truthfully, more than he enjoyed being a demon. It was a peaceful yet exciting life.

Wanting to see if the boy had had a nightmare or something of the sort, the demon lightly knocked on the door. "Master? Are you alright?" Not receiving an answer, the butler slowly opened the door.

Ciel was in his bed, so that was normal. He was laying on his side, facing away from the door. His slender legs were curled up to his chest as if he was really asleep. But, Sebastian could hear that his breath was shaky, so he knew he wasn't really asleep. Not to mention he heard the male whispering to himself.

"Master, I know you aren't asleep. Mind telling me why?" His voice wasn't scolding, it was genuinely curious. Ciel's small body tensed, making Sebastian give him a concerned look. "Master, please answer me. I am worried for y-"

"Get out."

Sebastian didn't move an inch.

"That's an order."

The demon still didn't move, making Ciel sit up and glare at him. "That was an order, Sebastian!" Sebastian sighed at that. "Young Lord, if an order goes against the terms of the contract, I cannot obey." Ciel growled and rolled his eyes, which were oddly puffy and red.

"How precisely does you getting your arse out go against the contract?"

Sebastian wanted to chuckle at Ciel's language and temper, but he didn't. He wore the expression of a worried father. "Because, master. You are in pain. It is not right of me to leave you as such." Ciel's eyes went slightly wide at that, before they narrowed again. "I can handle this on my own. I've done it plenty of times without any help from you," he snapped, though... His voice shook.

"Master, I simply have not helped because I do not see this side of you often-"

"Shut up," the small male snarled, rolling on his side to face the wall instead of his butler. "You don't want to help. You want my soul. Simple as that." Sebastian couldn't help but sigh. "Master, please do not be difficult. I just want you t-"

"I SAID SHUT UP!" Ciel screamed suddenly, making the demon's red eyes go a touch wide. "Master..." his voice was breathy and filled with disbelief. "J-just get out... I can handle this on my own..." The shakiness in Ciel's voice was evident now. Sebastian sighed softly and walked up to the bed, setting the candelabra next to him on the nightstand. "Master, please do not make me leave. I am concerned," he admitted.

"Concerned? About your meal? What, because if I'm depressed I'm going to commit suicide and you won't get my soul, is that it? It is, isn't it. No one really cares, it's all just a courtesy before I die and they forget about me," Ciel snapped. "Especially you."

Sebastian was utterly shocked.

"Master... I had no idea you felt this way..."

In all truthfulness, the demon felt guilty and responsible for this. Ciel, no matter how strong, was still a child. A sensitive, breakable child. Sebastian had neglected this fact, leaving Ciel to mourn about his parents and everything that had happened to him alone.

"It doesn't matter. I hid it for a reason. Now leave me be!" Ciel hissed. His blue eyes... They were filling with tears. "Master!" Sebastian had never sounded so utterly worried. So fearful. He practically ran to Ciel's bedside. "Young Lord, please, let me help you..." This caring behavior was so unusual of him... But it seemed so right. "I am sorry that I neglected this..."

Ciel slowly turned to face Sebastian, but his face was hidden in his pillow. "You're just going to laugh at me," he hissed softly. "I know how pathetic I look. Don't even bother with your lies," he said softly. Sebastian's heart, or whatever he had in place of it, softened extremely for his master. Food or not, for the time being, he cared. He cared about Ciel, he cared about his master, and he cared about how he felt.

"Master, I do not lie. You know that. Do tell me how I can help you," he pleaded in his soft, silky voice. Ciel finally broke, sighing to himself. "Fine, since you won't let it go..." Ciel's voice was soft as he added, "you can stay here for the night..."

The demon couldn't help but chuckle at his master's reluctance to show weakness. "As stubborn as ever, my lord," his lips turned up in a warm smile. Truly, he admired such stubbornness and tenacity. It always managed to make him smirk or smile.

"If that is what you wish..." The demon sat on Ciel's bed. Of course, this was unusual for the butler to do, but the young Earl did not protest. "Then I shall remain by your side until the sun rises," Sebastian said, with a voice like honey. Smooth and sweet, with the ability to make one drowsy. Ciel frowned to himself, finding after a while, that he could not sleep.

"Master, if I may suggest something," Sebastian began, and with a nod of approval to continue from his master, he finished his request. "Allow me to lay next to you in bed. Perhaps it will allow you to sleep."

Ciel's cheeks flushed deeply at the thought. "I'm not going to share a bed with my butler! Besides, you're a man!" He protested. "Shh, keep your voice down, my lord," Sebastian hushed gently. "Do not feel ashamed of your desire to do so, my lord," he smirked knowingly. "I am a demon, I do not judge for such needs, especially in a child."

Surprisingly, Ciel didn't protest, not even to the little "child" quip. "...Fine. Just... Allow me space." Sebastian nodded, a hand over his heart like the ever-dutiful butler he was. He laid down next to his master, underneath the covers. Slowly but surely, he heard his Master's breathing become slow and relaxed. He smiled to himself as the small boy cuddled up to him in his sleep.

"Ah, Master, if you were to awaken right now, I would simply adore to see the expression you wear..." He chuckled to himself, imagining the male with flushed cheeks, denying he had ever done such a thing as nuzzles his small nose into Sebastian's warm, black-clad chest.

"Your eyes should never be filled with tears, only determination. And your cheeks should never be flushed due to crying, only to desire or that adorable embarrassment. I will be sure of this, my little lord."

Ciel didn't respond verbally, of course. Merely pressed his small fists lightly to Sebastian's chest, fast asleep, tears no longer tainting his beautiful blue eyes.


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