Her House

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We walked into her house and she pushed me up against the wall. Our lips collided and she started to take my pants off. She stopped and started to lead me to her bedroom. I got on her bed and she lay on top of me there. She finished taking my pants off while I got her shirt.

Seconds after, everything was off of both of us.

She laid on top of me and her hips connected to mine. I gasped out and moved my hips closer to hers.

After a few minutes she inserted a finger into me.

"Oh god." I moaned.

Seconds later she added a second finger.
"Faster!" I breathed out.

She bent her fingers inside of me and they brushed my g-spot. My breath hitched.

She looked me in my eyes and I felt like I'd known her forever.

Her fingers moved even faster now and I was close to climaxing.

"Oh" I moaned.

I climaxed and she laid on top of me again, our hips connecting.

I rolled us over and took control. I started where she left off. I kissed her on the lips and connected our hips together.

"I love you." She moaned.

I was in shock. Why was I doing this? I have a husband...

"I. Um, I have to go!" I said as I tried to get off of her.

"But wait baby!" She said and she pushed me back onto the bed.

She started rubbing my clit and I was instantly overwhelmed in pleasure.

I didn't want to leave anymore. But I need to, eventually.

I moaned in pleasure. "Baby, I love you too" I moaned.
I spent the night at her house that night.

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