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I opened my eyes and looked around. Where am I? My head hurts so bad!

"Are you okay baby?" Oh my god! I'm at her house!

"No" I replied. She knew what I meant. She ruined Erik and me. If I wasn't so hungover I'd probably punch her. I don't have the energy to do anything though.

"Marisa just leave please!" I told her.

"I'm going to help you! I'm really sorry, I didn't mean for that to happen..."

"How did I end up here?" I asked.

"Sadly, you drove... You were so drunk. Please stop, for me! I love you and I don't want anything to happen to you!" She came over and handed me a glass of water.

"Thank you." I replied. She knew I didn't really exactly enjoy her presence but I could at least tolerate her.

I drank my water and fell asleep soon after.
I woke up and felt a lot better. Not 100% but pretty close.

"How are you feeling?" Marisa asked.

"Better I guess..." I didn't want her around but she was at least being nice to me.

I sat up and she came over and hugged me.
"I'm glad you're feeling better." She said.

"And I really am sorry about what I did, I didn't want that to happen..." She kept going on and on about how sorry she was.

"It will be alright hopefully" I replied. She sat next to me now. I leaned over and kissed her. It wasn't an exploring kiss, just a peck.

"Babe, when you were sleeping, a tv show claimed that we are dating..." Marisa said trailing off at the end.

"Are we now?" I asked, teasing her.

"I'm not sure..." She said, in a teasing way, back.

I pushed her on the bed and traced my finger along her jawline before kissing her. She rolled us over and made a hickey on my neck.

"Marisa" I breathed out.

Her hand trailed down to my pants and she grabbed my a$$.

I took her shirt off and started taking her pants off. I took my shirt off while she got my pants off and started to rub my clit.

My breath hitched.

She bent forward and kissed me while she continued rubbing my clit.

"Faster" I breathed out.

"Ok baby" she whispered in my ear.

I climaxed and rolled us over. I started grinding our hips together.

"Oh Sia" Marisa moaned.

"I love you" I told her. I really did.

I took two of my fingers and slid them into her. I pumped them in and out while she moaned.

"Oh god" she moaned.

Then she climaxed.

We lay in bed breathing hard and had a long make out session.

"I need to go home" I said. My dogs must have missed me! I had a dog walker though, so they would be fine.

"Come back soon baby!" Marisa said.

"Of course!" I kissed her while I got my pants on. Then I got my shirt on and walked out to my car.

I pulled out of her house and started the quick drive to my house.

It appeared to be about noon. Maybe a little later.

Seconds after pulling out of her driveway, I saw a car heading straight towards my car going easily 60 miles per hour. How was that allowed in a gated community?!?

Time stopped. I saw my car collide with the other head on. My radio was still on. I saw the man in the other car. He looked drunk. He was laughing up until when he hit me. He died instantly.

I, on the other hand, was still alive. I was dying though. I could feel it.

My head was touching the road. My window shattered and the glass was sticking into my head.

I couldn't move. I was dying.

I felt my breathing slow, the blood dripped onto the road. My car was completely sideways. I'm not sure how it rolled that way.

Chandelier came on the radio. Jut perfect timing. Not.

I heard the sirens coming. They were too late though. Neither me, or the drunk man could be saved.

I just wish I had-

The End

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