So this is home?

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(A/n I've decided to continue this story. Shout out to Gothicgirl1235  for giving me the inspiration to continue this story. She writes really great fanfics a so go and check it out and follow her😊 Also  swsgeek had a part in me continuing so follow him)

Walked through the door to be greeted by the rest of the band. I. Can't. BREATHE. I'm silently fangirling and pretty sure they know it. I know if I go to my room and lock the door I'll look like a bitch, but at this point I don't really care. "Matt can you show me where my room is please?" I think he can tell I'm nervous because he's looking at me like he's trying to read me. "Sure..." He lifted my bags for me all the way up the stairs. The silence was comfortable for me but I could tell he wanted to say something so I cut in. " this house is really big. How many more flights of stairs?" "Only 1 1/2. There's only 5 floors." Omg did he just say only. Seriously?! My room was a bit of a walk. It was actually right opposite Matt's. Not that I care though... I opened it up and it looked amazing. The walls were black with two purple lines running through the middle of it. On my bed there was a present with a note on that read,"Dear Alexis, I hope that you hope you fit in here. Look around your room and you might find a few more presents :D. From BMTH"
When I turned round to hug Matt he wasn't there so I just started to look round.

On my desk I found a new MacBook Pro and an iPhone 7. The new iPhone hasn't even come out yet but they've somehow managed to get me one? I looked around more and found some VR goggles, a mini tv and a small box with 10 £100 iTunes vouchers inside. I finally decided to open the present on my bed and found that inside there was a load of posters to decorate my room with. I ran downstairs crying about everything I got and then hugged them all.

Lee's PoV

I watched as she hugged everyone else but me. I was sitting in the kitchen drinking a monster. I think she knows about me. She knows about how bad of a cousin I was. She came over to me and gave me a hug saying,"I hate you. I'll never forget what you did to me. I might forgive you but I hope I never have to be your friend. I'm ashamed to be related to you. She walked off and I'd had enough. When the other guys looked away I picked her up and dragged her into the garden. I punched her jaw and she screamed in pain. It felt good do I carried on.

Oli's PoV

I sat down on the sofa when I heard screaming coming from the garden. I ran out to see what was happening "GET OFF ME!" Alexis screamed. I punched lee and pulled him to the side. Jordan took Alexis to her room. She was crying and blood was dripping out of her month. "LEE WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU!?" I screamed.

                                 Lee's PoV

I kicked Oli and ran away. I'm never joing the band again (a/n don't kill me)

Oli's PoV

I staggered to the freezer to get some ice for when lee kicked me. We used to be best friends but I guess it was all just a lie. When I finally made it upstairs Alexis had a massive anxiety rash behind her ears and on her neck. I gave her some of the ice but she was still shaking and crying. She tried to smile but ended up crying even more. I gave her a hug and she relaxed a little. "You know if you don't feel up to it then you don't have to come on tour with us on Saturday" I said. She looked at me in shock.

Alexis' PoV

Nobody told me about a tour. It's Wednesday so I have 3 days until the tour. I smiled and hugged him back. "I'm going to have a shower and clean up." When I got in there I realised that I forgot to take my blades with me. In a rush I must have left them at the orphanage. I'll get some more incase I need them. I cleaned up then took a look at my bruises from Lee. I cried when I saw them then got dressed and walked out. I got in my bed and fell asleep instantly.

I was running as fast as I could but my old family were chasing me. Someone knocked them down but I still kept running. Lee stood in front of me when I looked forward and he had his fists clenched. I ran in the other direction  and he was there everywhere I looked Lee was there. "Oli!! Save me!! Help!!" I cried and pushed through them. I ran forward and ended up in a deserted playground. The wind was pushing the swings forward and making them creak. I sat on one of them when the swing set started to fall through the ground into burning pits of fire.

Oli's PoV

I woke up to hear Alexis crying my name in her sleep. I woke her up and she gasped. Her eyes were red and her pillow was wet with tears. "It was just a dream you didn't have to wake me up. Thanks though. I could tell that she was still crying but I left anyway to give her some space.

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