Fugitive to the bad guys

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So yea, I slit her through.

But the weird thing is, as soon as she fell to the ground, she got back up. And was taller.

“Wha? How di-”

She punched me making me go flying like Hades to Thalia’s Tree. And we were on the other side of the Camp!!!!

“Son of Chaos, use your brains. I fell to the ground.”

Oh no.

Oh Hades pink underwear no.

Geae had broken an ancient law, older than Chaos.

She had mated with a mortal.

Now there is a good and bad side to this.

Bad side:

1. Her children could take down the world, if she can kill the Prince in a duel to the death.

2. The Prince is not immune to the Children of Geae. They can hurt the Prince, but the Prince can only hurt the Children (or child) of Geae, by finding there Fatal Fear. That is verrrry hard.

Good side:

1. The Prince is able to make any mortal into a Primordial god.

That’s about the only good thing there is.

But now I was on the run.

From the bad side (I mean come on).

I ran into the forest and began my immortal life as a fugitive

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