man with a question.

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I can feel her eyes staring at me gently as I make her coffee. She sits at a table by the window and pretends to look at her camera, eyes darting up to me every couple of seconds.

"Latte for Elle?" I call, as if the cafe is full of people.

But it's not. It's just her and me.

Character and author.

How is this possible?

She stands, smiling at me. "That's me," she says quietly, setting her camera down and walking over to pick up the coffee.

Sighing, she takes a sip. "I really needed this," she laughs. "I'm exhausted."

"Why?" I ask gently. "Up late?"

"That's an understatement - I got three hours of sleep last night and the night before that," she shakes her head.

"What? Why?"

"I'm working on a project." She smiles wistfully out the window, like she's dying to get back outside. "It's sort of a film, I guess - there's a meteor shower happening this week, and the national park is one of the best areas to view it. So I'm staying up late to film all the meteors..."


"Yeah, I know - but it's a lot of fun, and I'm excited for the final product," she looks at me. "I'm taking a week off from school to come out here and film."

This can't be happening.

She's the exact, real-life personification of my character, and she's doing exactly what I've planned in my outline.

"Where are you from?" I ask casually as she sips her coffee. I don't need to ask - I already know. Northmount.

"Northmount," she says, confirming it. "It's pretty far away from here, I guess, but the long drive was totally worth it."

She finishes the cup, and drops it in a trash can. "Thanks for the coffee," she says as she heads for the door. "I never got your name, though..."

"Elias," I say, pointing to my name tag on my apron. "I'm Elias."

She blushes. "How did I not see that? Anyways, nice talking with you, Elias."

"And you," I reply. "Hope to see you back soon."

"I will be!" And with a wave she's gone, out the door and down the street, leaving me with two things: an impossible question and the promise of her return.

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