man with his masterpiece.

7 2 0

Six weeks later:

I sigh, reaching to shut down my laptop at the café. Before I can reach the button, a notification comes in, prompting a small ping to sound. I've got an email.

From: Elle Destin

To: Elias Wilding

no subject

Hey Elias,

Hope everything is well. Things are good over here – my dad's doing a lot better :) Anyways, I wanted to ask you something... Would you be willing to work on a project with me? I'll be back in a couple of weeks, so we can talk then. Let me know!

Love, Elle.


Six months later:

"We now have a very special story, involving two local kids from our area. Elias Wilding and Elle Destin, two grade twelve students from Northmount and Quarry Hill, bring to us a very touching story of love and hope.

"Elias Wilding had always had trouble at home – his mother was an alcoholic and his father was away often, but he was abusive when he was around. Elias was bullied at school for his interest in writing and other things and in his final year of study, he decided that he couldn't take it anymore and ran away from home. He began to live in the area of Kalo Mountain National Park, with only his laptop, clothes and a sleeping bag. He was able to get a job at a local café to earn enough money to support himself, and continued to follow his passion of writing.

"Elle Destin had always been a creative spirit, connecting to many artistic media forms, especially film. Struggling in her academics and dealing with family issues, including her father's diagnosis and recovery from cancer, she decided to focus more on her creative studies and took a week off from school to travel to Kalo Mountain National Park to film the annual meteor shower.

"There, they met at the local coffee shop. Together, they helped each other deal with issues, reconcile with family, and pursue their dreams.

"Two films and one book were born. There will be a screening and book sale at the Quarry Hill Theatre tonight to help raise funds for cancer research and anti-bullying foundations.

"One: Journey Of The Stars, by Elle Destin: This short film documents the beauty of meteor showers and our local national parks.

"Two: Can't You See, by Elle Destin, featuring Elias Wilding. This film shows how the issues of bullying, abusive family and homelessness can affect our youth, through Elias' remarkable story.

"Three: We're Trying Our Best, by Elias Wilding. A story of survival and unwavering optimism in the fictional town of Wandermere.

"The films will be screened and the book will be available to pre-order at the showing tonight –"

She laughs and switches off the TV. "Are you excited?"

"Of course," I reply. "Our masterpieces."

"But they'll never know about this one," she says. Two identical stacks of paper sit on the table, each labeled: Elle's Story.

"One for me, and one for you." She gently picks one up. "Can I start reading?"

"Yes," I nod gently. "But nothing should surprise you – this is your story, after all."

"No, it's not – it doesn't include you. And without you, I wouldn't be where I am now."

I smile.

"Your parents are coming, right?" She asks.

"Yeah." She'd encouraged me to contact my parents again, after we began working on her film. It had gone better than expected, I guess. "And yours?"

"Of course."

She stands on her tiptoes to kiss me on the cheek, then saunters out the front door of her house, unlocking her truck.

And it's in this moment I realize how running away from it all had brought so much more into my life; I'd found more family and people who cared about me than I'd ever thought were out there, and now I was about to show the world that, despite their doubts, I could publish my own book.

"We're going to be late to our own book sale and film screening!" Elle calls from the front seat of the truck.

Love's never been a strong suit of mine, but now, with her, I feel like we can take on anything - any unforeseen circumstances, any plot twists.

Because we're recovering. We're making it through.


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2016 ⏰

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