Chapter 1

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Max focused all of his energy into his palm, hoping that something would pop out. His eyes focused on his hand while doing all sorts of posing at the junkyard full of metal scraps that conjurers threw away.

His cousin, Rem, then arrived from the junkyard's entrance. "I knew I'll find you here, " he said as he kept walking towards Max with both hands in his pocket while scrolling his eyes through the mountain of scraps "I kept telling you, what you're doing here is pointless."

Max then glower at him "Are you trying to say that I'll never become a conjurer?" He argued in an upsetting tone.

"That's not it. Conjuration won't come out by just putting your energy into your hand. You'd need to think of shapes, then imagine of summoning it." Rem explained as he waved his right hand into the air. "Something like this"

A small spoon made of metal then showed up from thin air and Rem instantly cached it from falling on the ground. "See?" he said as he passed the spoon towards Max by throwing it and Max caught it in an angry fashion by swinging with his right arm.

"That's easy for you to say. But have you ever had any problems with summoning materials before?" Max said as he pointed the spoon on Rem.

"You should stop cracking your head on how to summon materials, because, on your case, you still haven't even awakened your capability to conjure."

"I've been doing everything I could and been practicing everything they say in the books!" Max exclaimed

"The power of conjuration is not something one would awaken based on their amount of practice."

"Then what is it based on?"

Rem looked away for a few moments, hesitating to say what's on his mind but then looked back at Max. "Purpose" He finally said

Max rolled his eyes and turned to his back then Rem frowns wondering if he said something wrong.
It is said that ten percent of the human populations are born as conjurers, but even among those 10 percent, only 3 percent ever awakened their capability to conjure. That is because it's said that the power of conjuration will not listen to anyone who doesn't have any purpose.

Max was already identified as a conjurer and he believes himself that he have a clear goal. therefore; he's only focusing on what he believes to be essential.

"You kept saying that you have a purpose but why can't you tell me what it is?" Rem asked

"I already told you, but you just won't believe me. With the power of conjuration, you can build anything out of nothing-- what's not to desire with that?"

Rem sighs "Still being like that, No wonder you can't conjure anything" Rem said as a metal sword then appeared out of his right hand.

"What does that mean?" Max turned around to face Rem. He was startled but caught the item Rem passed by reflex. Then looked at the item and noticed it was a metal sword.

Just when Max was beginning to wonder---


Rem attacked with another sword he created and Max was able to react and blocked it fast enough before the blade could land on his shoulder.

"What the hell, Rem!" Max shouted. Max didn't stay in defensive that long. Eventually, he pushed Rem using his sword resulting in them pushing each other using each others blade while staring at each other face to face. Rem slightly grins as he stares at Max's furious glare.

"You've been doing this for 4 years. Yet you still have a half-ass idea of what you want to do with your life." Rem said mockingly

"I... Have a solid purpose!" Max shouted at the end of the sentence as he tried to kick Rem at the stomach. But Rem was able to summon a small shield and blocked it. The momentum, however, pushed Rem backward.

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