Chapter 2

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September - October
Chapter Two

As the days moved on, the young Italian grew more and more bored with his studies in law. He only found enjoyment in painting, drawing and the Society for Multi Language Persons, as they had named it. He got to find out more every day about Ludwig.

It was near the end of term and everyone was winding down for the October week. Feliciano grew more and more fidgety as his excitement grew. He was even caught doodling during a lecture.

Finally the October break arrived. Feliciano met up with the society for MLP (that's the society for multi language persons) as just as Feliciano turned the corner onto the corridor, Feliciano saw Ludwig, just standing with his back against the wall, eyes closed. His chest was rising and falling slowly but unevenly.

'Mr- um Ludwig?' Feliciano stammered out of charicterly.

'Oh Feliciano.' The tall German looked startled. He glanced between the floor and Feliciano's honey eyes. 'Um I was just-'

'What's that letter?' Feliciano accidentally butted in, immediately cowering at the mistake he had made.

'It's nothing.' Ludwig quickly folded it and put it in his pocket, crumpling it slightly.

Come on, you can tell me.' Feliciano walked towards Ludwig, his eyes pleading. But he stumbled, tripping on his own feet, something that would never happen. He tried to catch himself but it was too late. He braced himself for hitting the ground when he felt soft fabric squishing his face and big hands on his back. He looked up to see Ludwig, blushing, his beautiful blue eyes that were locked onto his glanced away.

Feliciano, seeing Ludwig's blush felt his own face grow warm. He reluctantly stood straight, loosing the warmth of the German. Ludwig resumed his previous stance against the wall, still blushing.

Feliciano heard footsteps and he curiously looked behind him and saw Francis with his arm over Matthew's shoulder, smiling at him. Matthew was red in the face and staring back. When Matthew noticed Feliciano and Ludwig he coughed and Francis' arm instantly dropped. Feliciano didn't think it was possible but Matthew went even redder and silently refused to look anyone in the eye as they walked into the society room. Feliciano looked briefly at Ludwig before following Francis.

For most of the meeting, Feliciano was silent, remembering the moment he fell into Ludwig's arms and playing it over and over in his head. Whenever Feliciano looked at Ludwig he looked away and he constantly felt eyes on him.

Feliciano found himself once again alone in the room with Kiku. He got up and left. When he left the room, he was suddenly greeted by a tallish man with longish brown hair. He was in a simple white shirt and brown trousers. He was carrying a brown leather suitcase that was making strange sounds from inside, a scratching noise. Feliciano apologised and left. The man entered the society room. After he took a couple of steps, he could have sworn he heard a cat meow.

When Feliciano had gotten to the front entrance to the University, he realised he had forgotten his sketchbook, one of his most prized possessions. He walked as fast as he could back to the society room pleading that Kiku was still there.

As he approached the door, he heard the noise again, this time clearer, a meow. This time it was accompanied by laughter. He politely knocked twice on the door before entering.

Kiku was sitting with that brown haired man from earlier. He was petting a cat who sat on Kiku's lap and looking at him. All the while the light brown tabby was mewing and purring. Kiku looked up and blushed.

'Oh Feliciano, this is Mr Hercules Karpusi, a friend of mine...' Hercules sounded like the name of a Greek God, Feliciano thought.

The innocent Italian was confused at why Kiku was embarrassed, he would hug his friends, like Antonio hugs brother.

'Nice to meet you!' Feliciano said with a smile that could melt butter. He held out his hand and Hercules shook it, smiling back.

Then Hercules stood up and said, 'I'm feeling tired, I better get back.' Then he turned to Kiku and smiled before putting the cat in his small suitcase and walking out of the room.

'Do you know where my book is?'

'I-um yes.' he handed Feliciano his worn book from the table in front of Kiku. Feliciano didn't leave it there. There was a couple seconds of silence.

'Gomenasai-sorry, me and Hercules looked at it and, we thought that you were really talented. Please forgive us if we invaded your property.' He looked down and hunched his shoulders as if he was expecting to be yelled at.

Thank you! And don't worry, you didn't invade my property.' again he smiled his smile and then headed home thinking what a strange day it had been, with all of those red faces. And for some reason he couldn't stop playing that moment with Ludwig in his head.

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