Chapter 4

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November - Oxford
Chapter Four

When Feliciano got home, he checked his mailbox and to his surprise, he had a letter! He could tell from the handwriting that it was Antonio, which was odd, he was expecting a letter from Grampa Roma and Lovino. He speeded to his room and put the letter on his desk. He didn't have a letter opener so he used his fingers to pry open the envelope. He impatiently pulled it out and unfolded it to discover a short letter from Lovino in Antonio's writing.

Dear Feliciano,

This is a letter from Lovino although he ripped up all of his drafts because he didn't know what to say. So I put together the letters and pieced them together to make this. I thought you should know.

I got your letter and I do not miss you. And for the second time, Grampa Roma is fine. He will be writing to you separately in a couple of days.

I wanted to tell you that I have now got a partner that I wish to marry. But sadly I cannot marry them. I will tell you why and hopefully you will get to meet them when you next visit back home. We could maybe even come to you.

Please do not pester me for any more information because I want to say everything in person.

Sincerely Lovino Vargas.

LOVINO IS GETTING MARRIED? When did that happen? He quickly pulled out a pen and paper and got to work writing a letter in response.

Dear Lovino,

That's amazing news! I'm so happy for you. But I'm not happy for you because you can't marry her. Why can't you marry her? Is it because she lives a long way away? Does she not love you? Why did you call her them? Why didn't you tell me her name? Why do you have to wait to see me?

Please answer my letter and say to Grampa Roma hello!

Sincerely Feliciano.

He would post it later. Instead Feliciano tried to ignore the whole wedding ordeal just in case he worried too much or got too exited. He was bound to see Lovino at Christmas. So he walked out of his small room to the cramped living room/dining room to find Matthew, who he didn't notice when he came in and Alfred F. Jones who was Matthew's brother.

They were - or rather Alfred was talking about someone they nicknamed ''The Wizard''. Feliciano eagerly joined in, fixed on learning new information and gossip.

Ludwig Bielschmidt sat at his mahogany desk in his lavish study typing away at his typewriter, logging his daily diary that no one else knew about.

His apartment was grand but currently unkept and untidy. The ink that Ludwig spilled months ago laid dry and uncleanable on his desk. The books he had taken off his bookcases were strewn everywhere when he was studying a week ago. His pantry was almost empty and Ludwig had no intention of filling it. Even his mail was left crumpled against the wall, pushed aside by the door being threwn open.

His apartment in it's disgusting condition mimicked to a horrifying degree Ludwig's own mind.

He has been completely out of sorts since he received that terrible letter from his brother.

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