18:: Happy With You 💕

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The Kang and Song family went to Pohang to visit Jihyo's grandparents. Jihyo and Gary are at the backyard.

Jihyo's POV.

We sit together on the big river rock at my grandma's backyard. When I was young, I used to swim here with them. I rest my head on his shoulder and close my eyes.

"Are you going to sleep again?" He asked me.

"Maybe? Hehe.." I still close my eyes and the fresh air really makes me want to sleep.

"Wouldn't it be nice if we can have a picnic here with HaByul and EunJong couple..KwangSoo and Gil as well... Just like old days.."

I hold his hand and nod. We stay silent for a while. Enjoying this moment until I slowly fall asleep on his shoulder.

Gary's POV.

I can feel that my shoulder is getting a bit heavy. I look at her and she's sleeping soundly. She must be very tired since she have to film her upcoming drama until late night yesterday.

I look at her tiny hand in my hand. I kissed it and look at our wedding ring. I take out my phone and snap a picture of our hand. I also take a picture of her sleeping.
I change my home screen picture and stare at her picture.

"Hyung! Grandma bring us to the orchard! Do you guys wanna join??" I turn around and put my arm on Jihyo. I point Jihyo to give him a signal she's sleeping.

"Ok! If you guys wanna join in we'll be leaving in 15 minutes. Take your time~"

I nod and he goes in. I look at Jihyo.

"Jihyo-ah~.." I pats her cheek slowly. "Mm?" Still sleeping..

"Do you want to go to Grandma's orchard??"

"I'm too sleepy.." She hugs my arms and adjusted her head to be more comfortable.

"Let's go inside where you can sleep more comfortable.." She opens her eyes and yawns. Aigoo she must be very very very tired..

We go down from the river rock and I hold her hand from behind.
"Be careful, it's slippery.."

"Why are you asking me to sleep inside! It's so refreshing outside here!" She mads at me as she's still half asleep. We walk carefully but bad me, I purposely slipped the slippery rocks and fall down into the water and she also fall.

"Yah!!" She splash the water at me in anger. She get up but I pull her hand and cause her to fall again.

"You're not going out from this river with your body uncovered.." She looks at her white shirt that us soaking wet and glares at me. "You pervert Kang Gary! You purposely slipped so that I'm wet!"

"I have no bad thought ok? I forgot that you wear white shite.. Hehe" I show her my toothy cute smile and she washes her face angrily.


He shows me his toothy smile and I rolled my eyes.

"Now since you're not sleepy anymore due to this cold water.. Let's go in and change our clothes and go to the orchard with them.." He get up and help me to get up. He takes off his jacket and help me to wear it. "MinHyuk is there and BoGum as well so you must wear this.." He said seriously while zipping the jacket for me. I smile. "MinHyuk is my brother and BoGum is JinHee's hubby..why do you have to be jealous?" He grabs my hand and we walk slowly.

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