He's A Senior And I'm The Freaky Sophomore Chapter 3

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I was in total shock, what did mean by grandma had passed away?

"What?!?" I repeated.

"Violet, she died in her sleep last night. I'm sorry" my mom said hugging me. I hugged back.

We stood there sobbing until my dad got home.

I was inconsolable.

I didn't eat or sleep. I just cried. I did everything while crying, the dishes, my homework, when I took a shower I cried.

I somehow managed to fall asleep around two in the morning.


When I woke up I was still sad.

I took a shower and got dressed. I put on waterproof eyeliner, just incase I cried at school. I didn't have breakfast, I just left the house.

I walked outside to see Josh waiting for me. I silently got in the car,

"Hey" Josh said.

I was silent.

"What's up, are you okay?" he asked with concern.

I shock my head no

"What happened, did you're grandmother not come?"

The thought of my grandmother made a tear slowly come down my cheek. I quickly wiped it away. "I'm okay, Josh, it's nothing"

"Okay..." he said as he stared to drive.

The car ride was sad and depressing, and so was my day.

I couldn't concentrate on anything but my grandmother.

I would silently cry in the back of the class room.

At lunch I didn't eat and I didn't go to the lunch room either. I went to the music room to play the piano. I played a song my grandmother thought me.

I played my broken little heart out until I cracked.

I stopped playing and sobbed.

Sobbed loud tears.

"Violet!" I voice called, I heard footsteps come running up to me.

The person pulled me in a hug and I hugged back.

I realized the person was Josh.

"It's okay" he repeated to me.

"No, it's not okay, she left me! She's gone! Why did she have to go!" I yelled through my sobs.

I continued to cry as Josh tried to calm me down.

After what seemed like forever, I stopped crying and we just sat there holding each other.

"When I was younger, my uncle died of cancer. He was my favorite person," Josh said suddenly.

"Oh my gosh, Josh I'm so sorry"

"It's okay. He will always be my favorite person. Are you better now?"

"Yeah, thanks for being there for me"

"No problem"

I rested my head on his shoulder as he wrapped his arms around my waist.

After a while I sat up and wiped away any left over tears.

Josh looked at me with concern. I looked back at him.

He stared to lean in and I followed. We continued leaning until our lips touched.

Josh kissed me and I kissed back.

The kiss was gentle and sweet, but yet had so much passion behind it.

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