He's A Senior And I'm The Freaky Sophomore Chapter 17

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I kissed Josh with as much passion and love as I could.

He slid my underwear off me and I slid off his boxers.

"I'll go easy on you" he whispered in between kisses.

At first it was painful but then it turned into lusty pleasure.

I never wanted it to end.


The next morning I woke up with a smile on my face.

Josh wrapped his arms around me and placed his head on my shoulder.

"Hey sexy"


"I had fun last night"

"Me too" I kissed Josh and he got on top of me.

He opened my legs and I pulled away.


"Yeah" he said reaching for a condom. "You can never have too much"

I smiled as he entered me. We kissed each other again.

"I love you" Josh said out of breath. He kissed me again and I pulled away. "I love you too" I said out of breath.


At about noon we stopped for good.

Josh and I took separate showers and meet each other down stairs for breakfast.

"I love you" I said as I came down stairs.

"I love you too, babe"

"What are you making?"


"Yummy" I said grabbing two plates.

"I love you" Josh said

"I love you too"

"I love you more"

"I love you most"

"I love you moster"

"I love you mostest"

"No you don't"

"Yes, I do"

"I love you way more than you love me"

"If you say so"

He chuckled as I stole his waffle off of his plate.

"You're not very nice are you?"

"Nope" I said as I took a huge chunk of his waffle and tried to put it in my mouth.

He laughed at my attempt and sat across from me.

After breakfast we went to the ice cream place to hang out with the gang.

Alex and our waitress from last time kept flirting with each other. It was very funny to watch.


Monday morning came too early.

Josh and I were at his place.

We got ready for school and all that jazz.

I was walking in the hallway with Susan and Luke when I saw Cloey, once again, attacking Josh with her lips.

Her gross disgusting lips.

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