Chapter 8

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We arrive at the restaurant.
We order many kinds of food. They look very hungry. Jaden looks like Rose's boyfriend. He does the things that a boyfriend should do. They're so sweet. I'm so jealous. I need someone that can do those kinds of things to me.
"If you want to eat anything, just tell me,ok"
Sean says. I smile at him and he smiles back. His smile is really attractive.
After we finish our food, we
go shopping. Well, shopping for food, books, and album of bands are my favorite.
We go into one shop which sells many kinds of clothes.
Jenny and Lani buy alot of sexy clothes. Sexy cloth is not my style. I don't wear sexy clothes."Do you want to buy anything??"Sean asks."I don't know. I think i don't need any clothes"I says."Buy some,ok??.It's a gift from us."they says. "But...."I says."No but. You have to buy clothes.It's our gift, you have to accept it"Dylan says. I nod my head. I go and find some clothes. I buy some clothes.
Someone brings me a dress, and skirt."Julian, why do you bring it to me??" I ask.
"Well, i think it will look good on you.Try it."Julian says looking at the dress and skirt."It's beautiful, but I'm not that type of wearing this kind of clothes. I'm not gonna wear it." I talk to him and bring back the clothes. "Wow, this dress is beautiful. It will look good on you."They says except Jenny and Lani.
"Look good on her??I don't think so. She ugly. She shouldn't wear this dress."
They says."I know i'm not as pretty as you, and you don't need to tell me. I'm not going to buy this dress."
I says and i walk away.
They walk behind me.
I suddenly stop in front of a bookstore."Umm, guys, i want to buy some books. You can go anywhere you want. I'll call you,ok." "Are you sure??You don't need anyone to stay with you??"Rose asks. I nod my head."Let's Sean stay with you."Jaden says. "It's great if Sean stays with you.
Don't let her go anywhere alone. If i know she goes anywhere alone, i'm going to kill you."She says."Don't worry. I always stay by her side. I won't let her go anywhere without me.
I will be her bodyguard."
Sean says which make me blushing. They leave us alone. I feel a bit awkward
because there's only two of us.

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