Chapter 6: The Consultant

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"State their name, class, and degree of torture."

"Degree of torture?"

"Yes, degree of torture," Jim rolled his eyes. "You have a few options: threat, humiliation, physical harm, death..."

"Death!?" Alan squeaked.

"Yeah, but at an extra price," Jim snapped. "Now, can you hurry this up? I have things to do, people to see."

"Fine," Alan's cheeks reddened. "Um... Kenny Thompson, Mrs. Robins-"

"A third year?" Jim snorted. "Next!"

"Oy!" Alan yelled, "He may be a few years younger than me, but he's big! He's been pestering me all summer and I want to show him my pain."

"Uh-huh," Jim yawned. God, it was so boring listening to these humans explain their motives. He never asked, but they still blabbed about their backstory. It was more to reassure themselves that they had a viable reason to wish another person harm. It was all the same to Jim. The scales must always be balanced.

"So I'm guessing you want a helping of humiliation for little Kenny?" Jim asked. Alan nodded and rubbed his hands together nervously.

"That'll be a week's worth of lunch money," Jim said while scribbling details in his notebook.

"But... Oh, alright," Alan grumbled and rummaged through his trouser's pocket. "You're going to take care of it now, right?"

"I have other customers, you idiot!" Jim scowled, "I'll get to it in a week or two."

"No, you can't!" the boy cried, "He'll be moving next week so it's gotta happen today!"

"God, fine! Now leave!" Jim barked, and Alan quickly scurried away. He checked his watch and frowned. Third year lunch ends in five minutes, so no more business today.

"Sorry, folks!" Jim announced to the line of children in front of him, "The consultation desk is closed for the day! I'll be back tomorrow, my peasants!" After a royal wave, Jim disembarked down the twisty slide.

With a swing in his step he waltzed across the schoolyard. Nobody but a few of his former clients gave him any attention. They just gave him a slight nod, as if Jim were a secret agent on a mission. The clients were the stupid weak ones that go to him when they seek revenge. Jim got paid for doing the dirty work. It was simple, really. He was surprised no one else had done it before.

Once he made it to the school doors, he slid behind a bush. A teacher was guarding the entrance. He was old and fat; undoubtedly one to hate strenuous exercise. Yet a display of impure behavior could provoke him enough to leave his post.

Jim whipped out his mobile. "Kiss. Left door. Make it quick," he texted and waited.

Soon enough, he spotted Sebastian racing across the schoolyard. The tall, muscular boy was headed to a pack of girls on Jim's right. Seb plucked a tiny fifth year from the circle and, with a dramatic dip, kissed her on the lips. The girls erupted into a chorus of squeals, causing the teacher to notice the spectacle. With a haughty huff and a mumbled, "too-young-for-protection my arse", he stomped toward the group.

Jim stealthily slipped out of the bush and into the school. He was walking past the gymnasium when his mobile buzzed in his pocket.

"You owe me big time," Seb's voice growled.

"Why?" Jim laughed, "I thought you enjoyed the snogging assignments."

"Ya, well, this one's convinced I'm in love with her," Seb grumbled. "Now she's naming our future children."

Jim snorted. "Poor Sebby! You're turning into a little heartbreaker! Don't worry, Daddy will bring you back some treats."

"What's it this time, Moriarty?"

"Embarrass a third year," he sighed. "Boring."

"Ugh, we haven't gotten a 'physical harm' one in so long!" Seb whined.

Jim was about to answer when a little figure barreled into him.

"Hey, watch it!" Jim barked, but the pudgy boy seemed to not hear him. He was already storming off, muttering "stupid Sherlock Holmes" under his breath.

Holmes... Jim recognized the name. He sifted through his mind's files until he found it. Mycroft Holmes, year eight. A victim of humiliation/physical harm last year. Food poisoning. It was an odd case, really. The client came to the consultation desk because Mycroft had "read his mind". Jim was not stupid; this Holmes boy obviously had deduction skills. Yet Mycroft had turned his nose up when he was offered a job as a colleague. He was three years Jim's senior, so it was pointless to force him. But this Sherlock boy must be younger, probably a first year. If he possessed similar qualities to his brother, he could prove a valuable asset.

"Seb," he grinned wickedly. "I think we found a new addition to the family."


Hello, my beloved readers! I hope you enjoyed this new update (and character *wink wink nudge nudge*). The next chapter will be on its way soon: patience, young Jedis! Please vote, comment, and follow me (I will weep with joy)!

P.S. I'm going to start a new, non-kid Sherlock fanfic soon! *happy dance* Catch you later!


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