Art is a living hell

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My first class was Art. I was always good at art and never failed it or didn't have fun in it.
"Alright class sit your butts down" the teacher said with a stern voice. "I'm Mr.Peters. I'm not Mr.P or anything stupid. now I hate you all for making me have to say this every year but no inappropriate clothing, no gum, no weapons, no drugs, Etc. today we will be doing a simple sketch of a forest landscape get your pencils and paper" he said sitting down at his desk "oh by the way this assignment counts for 20% of your first quarter grade." he said then put his glasses on and ignored us.
I got up to get pencils and paper and started to draw. the blond boy from the hallway sat down next to me. I could feel the other four boys eyes on us.
"Hey" he said putting his arm around me.
"Hi" I said "I would appreciate if you could take your arm off me" I snapped.
"Why you don't like it?" He said his arm still on my shoulder.
"No I said moving his arm." I stood up and moved to a different table. he followed me. "can you leave me alone?" I snapped at him.
"Sorry" he said leaning back into his chair.
"When I say leave me alone, I mean leave" I said pushing him off the chair and catching him by surprise. he grabbed my wrist hard. it hurt.
"Try that again sweetie" he said anger in his ocean eyes he had a thick Irish accent. my wrist was starting to crack. I made little squeals and bit my lip. the blond boy noticed my pain and let go quickly. "Im sorry" he said, I looked up into his eyes and I could see that he was sorry. It felt like forever, him looking into my eyes and me looking into his eyes. The bell rang and he got up and walked away. I grabbed my stuff and made it to my next class still dazed about what happened.

(Niall's POV)
I could tell this girl was different and once I heard her name I started scribbling her name all over the backs of my notebooks. She was perfect, perfect hight, perfect eyes, perfect everything I wanted to get close to her. But I blew that opportunity by being a jerk and letting my anger get the best of me. She is the first person I have apologized to in a long time. "NIALL!" Louis yelled at me.
"WHAT!" I yelled back.
"I have been trying to get your attention since the bell rang." he said. he is so freaking lucky we are friends.
"Why?" I said
"Because I want to ask you what was going on with that girl and you in art?" That earned gasps an ohs from all the boys.
"Yea tell us" Harry said with a smirk.
"It's nothing" I lied
"Dude you said sorry. you never do that" Zayn said looking me in the eye.
"It's nothing. does anyone want to ditch second period?" I said trying to avoid more questions.

(Sarah's POV)
I made my way to my second class which was history. I love history, it's so fun learning about what happened in the past. anyway fun would have to wait I have to go to the bathroom. I raised my hand "can I go to the washroom?" I said then exited out the door making my way to the closest bathroom. I saw him. I froze my wrist now had a heartbeat. I figured it would be best to remain calm and keep walking. someone grabbed my good wrist after him and his friends had passed.
"Hi" he said spinning me around.
"What do you want?" I snapped.
"I just want to talk to you" he said I could see he was serious.
"What do you want to talk about?" I said my tone slightly softer.
"Anything" he said
"Well I have no idea what the heck your name is" I said my tone sarcastic
"Niall Horan" he said with his thick Irish accent. "friends call me Nialler" he said his eyes soft and caring. they were so beautiful. then again I just remembered this was the guy not even a half a hour ago he was snapping my wrist. "is you wrist ok?" he said is hands going towards it.
"It's fine" I said "seriously you have a tight grip" I said snapping at him again. I looked down at my watch we had been talking for half the class period. "crap, I have to get back to class" I said
"Ok um.. Just call me to tell me how your wrist is" he said giving me a piece of paper shortly following me running back to class.

Ok forget about the certain reads and votes for new chapters I'm just going to post. anyway as I write this there is one person reading.
Thank you reader 1





Love you all <3 (#1)

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