Drama at the diner

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(Niall's POV)
I felt Sarah's hand tighten around mine. "you ok babe?" I asked her.
"I'm fine" she responded.
"Fine is never good" I said "something's wrong and I know it Sarah" i looked into her blue grey eyes.
"I just have a weird feeling. that's all" she responded.
I let go of her hand and wrapped my arm around her shoulders and she smiled.
As we walked into the diner I saw there was only two people sitting at tables.
"How many?" the hostess said grabbing menus.
"Two" I answered. the hostess guided us to our table.
"Your waitress will be right with you" she said then walked away.
I heard the bell on the entrance door ring and I looked at the door to see Rachael.
"Niall?" Sarah asked putting her hand on mine.
"Yea" I said facing Sarah again.
"Are you ok?" she asked with a worried face.
"Rachael just walked in" I said with a sigh. Sarah whipped her head around to see Rachael and Rachael saw Sarah.
Sarah got up from her chair and stormed over to Rachael.
"YOUR BROTHER IS A FUCKING ASSHOLE!" Sarah yelled into Rachael's face.
"It's not my falt your a whore" Rachael said to Sarah without moving. I got up as I could see Sarah was about to explode. I put my arms around her waist and picked Sarah up while she screamed at Rachael.
"Rachael you need to leave" I said to Rachael.
"Niall why don't you let her down to see what our little whore is going to do." Rachael said with a smirk. I accidentally loosened my grip on Sarah and she got out of my arms.
She threw a punch at Rachael and it caught her straight on the jaw. I grabbed Sarah again and walked out of the diner doors.
"NIALL" Sarah yelled trying to get out of my grip again.
"Sarah trust me I'm doing this so you don't get hurt" I said putting her in the passenger seat of my car. then I ran to the other side and let myself in.
"I hope you know that Rachael calling me a whore didn't set me off" Sarah said crossing her arms an pouting like a 5 year old (even when she was mad she was cute)
"I know baby I love you and I didn't want something to happen to you." I said holding both of Sarah's hands then I kissed her nose.
"Thanks babe" Sarah said smiling.
"Let's go back home and cuddle" I said and I held Sarah's hand with my right hand and drove with my left.
"do you want to watch The lion king or Frozen" I yelled to Sarah who was changing in the bathroom.
"The lion king" she said while walking back to my bed with pj shorts and one on my t-shirts.
I put the lion king disc in and then sat back down with Sarah on the bed.
"Niall, I just realized today is the last diy of winter break" Sarah said her eyes getting wide. "I have to get home" she said standing up.
"You have clothes for tomorrow, please stay" I said pulling the puppy eyes on her.
"Fine" Sarah said sitting back down. "no movie then since it's late already" she said leaning back on a pillow.
"Fine" I said mocking her and turning the TV off.
I laid back on the pillow next to Sarah and just looked in her eyes. "so Harry said he picked up your second semester classes, and I'm not in any of them." I explained to Sarah. "But since all of the drama with Rachael I'm going to get my classes changed to yours." I said smiling.
"Niall I'm taking AP science." Sarah said.
"So I have you to help me study." I said smiling even more.
(Sarah's POV)
"Niall I love you so much" I said Rolling into Niall's arms.
I feel asleep to Niall's steady breaths.
I was walking down a long hallway.
At the end of this hallway was a large room.
All of my old friends, new friends, and family crowded around me with expressionless faces.
They cleared a passageway for 2 people one was Niall and the other was Rachael they both came to both of my sides and started to say things.
"I never loved you"
"Your a whore"
"I was using you"
"No one will ever love you"
"Everyone hates you"
"Your a ugly bitch"
"Why are you such a freak?"
"Nothing could fix you, your broken"
Niall and Rachael continued to say things to me. then everything when silent and everyone's faces started to melt like wax.
Soon enough there were only piles of bones left of everyone.
~end of dream~
I woke up crying and shaking
"Sarah it's ok, calm down, I'm here" Niall wrapped his arms around me while I was curled up in a ball. ""What's wrong baby?" Niall asked whipping a tear.
"I had a nightmare" I said looking up at Niall.
"Tell me what happened"
I explained to Niall what the dream was about. "Sarah I will never say those things to you, I love you more then breathing" Niall said and kissed my forehead.
"I love you more then food" I said.
"Wow that's a lot coming from one of us" Niall said laughing.
We both laid back down.
"I hope you dream of magical unicorns and fairies." Niall said making shadow puppet butterflies.
"And I hope you dream about magical cakes and other magical foods" I said making horrible food shadow puppets.
"goodnight baby" Niall said kissing my forehead.
"Goodnight my prince" I said kissing Niall's nose.

I'm sorry this is so short but I promised myself that I would finish the chapter today.
I just have to say thank you for 1.9k reads like that is amazing at 2k I'm going to have a mini party with my cousin since she has been supporting me and been helping me brainstorm.
I hope you guys know this whole writing adventure has helped me so much.
I love you all so much <3

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