Take me with

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(Sarah's POV)
"So what do you want me to try on?" I said confused.
"Nothing we needed you to stop talking to that guy." El said looking at a skirt.
"Why?" I said grabbing a shirt.
"Because Niall is really protective over you and the people he cares about." Dani said looking me in the eye.
"Ok" I said thinking about Niall's arms around me.
"Try this on" El said handing me a bra.
"WHAT THE HELL THIS THING IS BRIGHT PINK AND YELLOW!" I said a little to loud "can you please go get me something that's blue." I asked nicely. El came back with a sky blue bra with clouds on it. "wait why are we here again?" I asked. we were in Victoria's Secret.
"Dani needed to get something plus you needed to get something" she said. I could tell she was giggling.
"Very funny but, I'm only getting this bra" I said coming out of the fitting room.
The three of us went to almost every store in the mall. we went in the car and drove back to the house. I somehow managed to spend all of the money Niall gave me.
"So are you going to model what you got for Niall?" Dani said winking at me.
i laughed and lightly punched her arm.
"When we get home I'm probably going to cuddle up with my new PJs" I said hugging myself. we all laughed.
"WERE BACK" Dani yelled into the house and it echoed through the hall way. Niall came running down the stairs.
"Hey there cutie. El, Dani who's this she smoking" Niall said laughing, kissing my cheek, and grabbing my bags.
"Your so sweet" I said smiling at him. we walked upstairs to his room. Niall plopped the bags on the ground.
"I think I need to tell you something" Niall said looking at his feet and rubbing his neck.
"You can tell me anything Niall" I said walking over to him, I put my hands on his chin.
"Alright, it's about my mom" Niall said looking in my eyes.
"Oh" I said looking in his eyes.
"It's about why she's not here" Niall said.
"Niall tell me what happened, please" I said looking deep into his eyes.
"Alright, it started when my dad walked out on us. he cheated on my mom and then things happened. My mom and I were driving to our new apartment far away from where my dad was. A truck drifted into our lane and we spun out of control" Niall said letting a tear slide. "We crashed into a tree, it was holding the car from going over a cliff. I got out in time but my mom didn't." Niall said sniffling. "the last thing I heard was that she loved me. Then I came here and met the boys, there my family." he said I hugged him and he hugged back. "then I met you." he said above a whisper and kissed my forehead.
"I'm glad you did" I said afraid to let go.
"No don't wear that, I like it when you wear my shirts" Niall said smiling.
"Fine" I said while he handed me one of his shirts.
i changed and came beck to his room.
"Better" he said smiling. I laid down in his arms. "I love you" Niall said kissing my cheek.
"You tell me everyday" I said giggling.
"I'm afraid I don't say it enough" Niall said laughing. "but really, I do love you with all my heart Sarah." Niall said smiling.
"I love you too Niall" I said smiling back. we fell asleep with me wrapped in Niall's protective arms.

(Niall's POV)
I woke up to Sarah humming a song and looking at me."hey beautiful" I said brushing her hair back.
"I love your voice when you wake up" Sarah said giggling.
"You never showed me what you bought" I said smiling. she was so cute when she giggled.
"What if I didn't want to" Sarah said smiling.
"Well it was my money so you have to or else." I said tickling her sides.
"Ok- ok-" Sarah said in between laughs. "I'm not showing you the underwear or bras" she said grabbing her bags and going to the bathroom.
"Awe" I said frowning. Sarah came out in a sweater and leggings. "cute" I said looking up and down.
"I have about five more colors of the same outfit so I think I can skip them." Sarah said going back to the bathroom.
She came out this time with a short, strapless black dress. my jaw dropped to the ground.
"Hot" I managed to say. I got up and grabbed her hands and started to dance with her like we were in a princess movie. Sarah was laughing.
"You have a good choice when it comes to a guy liking your clothes" I said laughing.
"I know" Sarah said leaning on my chest. "Niall." she said looking up into my eyes.
"Yea" I said looking into hers.
"There was a guy that came up to me at PAC sun. He is in my algebra class" by the time Sarah said guy I tensed up and clenched my jaw. "he's really nice. Dani and El pulled me away from him though, they said you are really protective of me" Sarah said looking at me.
"There right. I am really protective of you. and I don't want you to get hurt" I said looking into her eyes and kissing her forehead. "One thing." I said smiling
"Yea?" Sarah said looking at me and smiling back.
"Next time you go shopping, take me with" I said, we both laughed.
I thought of something that me and Sarah could do since I love her and trust her, I could show her my spot.
"Hey I have something special that we are going to do today." I said getting up and dragging her off the bed.
"Niall, I liked cuddling though" Sarah said moving.
"Go get dressed, I really want to show you this place." I said lightly pushing her into the bathroom. "change then come out" I said closing the door.
I quickly changed. Sarah came out a minute later with skinny jeans and a t-shirt. She grabbed her bag and we fast walked to my car. I blindfolded her.
"Niall!" Sarah said laughing.
"Relax nothings going to happen while I'm here" I said making Sarah relax a little. I held on to her hand and told her when there were turns.
"Ok were here, don't take off your blindfold" I said holing her hands and walking her to the center.
"Can I take it off now" Sarah said giggling.
"Yes" I said smiling.

Sorry it's so short but I wanted a Cliff hanger :p :)
I will try to update tomorrow or the next day.




Love you all <3 :)

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