3. Boy's night?!

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Aaron's POV

I was laying on the floor when Dante came in. Man, that hurt! "You okay Aaron?" Dante said. "Yeah," I squeaked. "You sure?" He said "Yes!" I said, I got a little bit mad so I just walked home. I didn't even think about Y/N.

I walked by her house as I saw Dante running towards the door, where Garroth and Laurence already stood. I growled when I saw Y/N open the door and smile..

I was so jealous.. She was my girl!
No Aaron! Don't think like that! Ugh!

Your POV

I opened the door to see Garroth, Laurence and a panting Dante. I faked a smile for them. Dante saw right through it..

My eyes where really red from all that crying. "Hey guys!" I said "Hey Y/N!" Laurence said a little to exited, when you thought about what just happened. "H-hey," Garroth stuttered, I giggled. "Stutter King!" I teased.

"Baby, who's at the door?" My mom asked and came up behind me. "Baby.." Laurence laughed.

My eyes turn a little bit read, and I blushed a bright red. "Mom, it's Dante and two other guys from my home room," I said "Oh! Is my little girl having boys over? Yo momma gotta stay outta dis!" She said and walked to the kitchen.

"Weird.. That was kinda like something my mom would do.." Garroth said.

"Well guys.. Wanna come in?" "Yeah, sure!" They said in unison. We walked upstairs to my room, we sat on my bed and started to talk.

"So, Y/N, what just happened?" Laurence said. No! Not THAT question! That was the only one I couldn't answer! I couldn't just tell them that was a demon! I barely knew them!

"Look guys I'm sorry! I don't know what came over me.." I said, while I started to cry again.

Garroth saw how wet my pillow was, he felt bad I could see it in his eyes.

Dante hugged me for a few minutes, and I slowly started to hear Laurence and Garroth growling. We broke our hug, I saw Dante slightly blushing.

Laurence POV

Great job Laurence! Now you made her cry her adorable E/C eyes out!

I looked around her room. It was a pretty nice room, considering that it was a girls room. It had almost everything gray or black but also some F/C spread across it, like her closet, her blanket, her desk and her.. Pillow.. My eyes landed on her wet pillow. Did she cry before we came? Well she sure looked like it.

I heard Garroth letting out a quiet growl. I looked at Y/N and saw she was hugging Dante, or more hugging him while crying on his shoulder!

I started slightly growling too. They finally broke their hug. "T-than.. Thanks Da-nte!" She said between sniffles. "No problem, sweetheart!" He said, and she giggled.

"Dante your dead!" Garroth whispered in Dante's ear.

Your POV

OMI! Not again. Those two get jelly pretty easy.. Well what ever..

I giggled at Dante again. It was a joke we had. We where like brother and sister, but people always assumed that we where dating, and then our sweetheart joke was born!
But no one should kill my bro!

I felt my eyes turn black as I looked at Garroth. "Uhm.. N/N?" Dante whispered "I know!" I whispered back.

I quickly found my necklace with a red crystal in it. The crystal started glowing when I putted on the necklace, and I calmed down, felt my eye go back to normal. I let out a big sigh.

"Uh.. Y/N? Are you okay?" Laurence said in concern. "Yeah I'm fine.. Thanks," I replied.

"H-hey uhm.. N/N? Would it be okay if I stayed the night here.. I don't wanna go home to Gene, and you seem like you need some company for the weekend," Dante said "Uhm, sure!" I said happily

"C-can we t-tag along?" Garroth stuttered. "Why not?!" I said.
"But there is one thing I need to know about you two!" I said and pointed at Garroth and Laurence "Yeah what is it?" Laurence asked. "Do you like video games?"
That was it ya'll! I hope you liked it! Gene isn't going to appear in this book before in a few chapters, sorry!
Baiii!! :3

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