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Your POV

I woke up and felt something, cuddling with me. It was Laurence! Uhmm.. For how long have he been laying here? I slowy stood up, trying not to wake up the others. To late! Dante woke up when i tried to move away from Laurence. "Are you cheating one me?" He teased. Ugh! My eyes truned a bit black. I grabbed my necklace and put it on, to calm down "No, I'm not sweetheart! He just came up to me when I was asleep!" I said back. Dante's jar dropped: "Seriously?" He said. "Yeah.. Seriously.."

I walked over to my guitar, an started playing "Tag you're it" by Melanie Martinez (YAS! Cry baby for life xD) quietly.

"Running through the parking lot

He chased me, and he wouldn't stop

Tag you're it, tag tag you're it

Grabed my hand,

Pushed me down

Took the words right out my mouth

Tag you're it, tag tag you're it," I sang, still pretty quiet.

"You're good at singing!" Dante said, and sat down beside me. "Heh.. Thanks Dante.. I try.." I replied "Well keep up the good work!" We looked up to see that Laurence has wooken up. My eyes turned a bit red, and I slightly blushed. I looked at my phone 5am! Jeez! It was so early!


"Garroth?" I said trying to wake him up. "Good luck! He's a heavy sleeper!" Laurence said. I had the perfeckt idea! "You think so? Watch this!" I replied to Laurence, while taking of my neclace.

I thought about the Gene-disaster and my eyes turned balck. I just sat there beside Garroth, doing nothing but staring at him with my black eyes. "You know that you're not doing anything right?" Laurence said.

Right after he said that, Garroth woke up. He was panting like crazy. "What?! How did you do that?" Laurence exclaimed. I put on my necklace, and turned to Laurence while saying: "I have my ways." My eyes where a little bit black still. Dante shook his head. "Garroth, calm down, it was just a little nightmare," I said turning to Garroth, again. "Hey uhm.. N/N? Don't you have, girl-stuff to do? Like, doing your hair or makeup?" Dante said. "Oh, yeah! See you guys in a bit," I said. I grabbed some clothes that i put on a chair yesterday, and went to the batroom.

Garroth POV

I was still panting when Y/N left. She knew? Was she the reason I had my short, but terifying nightmare? "Garroth, are you okay?" Laurence said. "Y-yeah.." I said. "No you're not Garroth. I know what she did. Laurence.. Why?" Dante said "I didn't think she could do that! What did she even do?" Laurence said

"Well.. You kinda challenged her to wake up Garroth. And than she started starring in Garroth's soul.. Wich made him have a nightmare.." Dante explained. What?! She did it on purpose?! And how did he know? "How do you know about that?" Laurence said. "She acidently did this to my once..." He said.

We got changed into our clothes, then Y/N came out of the bath room, her hair was a little wet so i guessed she took a shower. "Sorry Garroth.. I wasn't thinking straight.." she said "I-it's okay.." I stuttered. Arg! Stutter king! I thought.

Dante broke an akward silence: "N/N you don't wear makeup?"

Your POV

Dante asked me if I didn't wear makeup, while studying my face. "No I don't.. Is it weird?" I asked. "No it's not.. It's just.. Never mind.." Dante said "So, you're one of thoose natrual girls?" Laurence asked and winked at me... OMI NO! I yelled in my thoughts I moved a little away from Laurence.

"Breakfast is ready!" My mom yelled from downstairs. Omi, I love you right now mom! "Comming!" I yelled back. "Boys ya commin'?" I asked. "We're right behind ya!" Garroth laughed. I turned around and smiled at him. I heard Laurence growl.. Dante didn't, but that was okay.. Well I guess he know that I only like them as friends.

We ate breakfast, me, my mom and Dante teased Laurence and Garroth with our sweetheart joke. They where really jealous. It was so fun to look at, me and Dante laughed so hard!

We got done eating. We went to my room and the guys packed their stuff. "Wanna play one last time?" Laurence said, looking at my guitar. "Yeah, sure!" I said. I picked up my guitar and startet playing "Gingerbread man" By Melanie Martinez (Again,! They call my cry baby, cry baby! Okay I'll stop now! xD) I picked this song to kinda tell Laurence that I didn't want to be his girl

"I need a gingerbread man,

The one I'll feed

A gingerbread man,

The one I'll eat

One who's always crazy,

Never calls me baby

That's the on that I want,

And all you boys are not him!" I sang.

"That was amazing, N/N!" Laurence said. OMI NO! Now he startet to call me N/N? Well.. I better get used to it...

I walked the boys to the door. "Bye sweetheart!" I said, hugging Dante. Then he left. I hugged Garroth. "Bye stutter King!" I giggled. He left too. I was about to hug Laurence. "Bye Laur-" He FREAKING KISSED ME! I pushed him away, and kicked him where the sun doesn't shine. "GET OUT!" I yelled, as I felt my eyes turn black. He quickly ran away. I ran to my room and started crying. "It's my party and I cry if I want to.." I sang quietly That reminded me of middle school.. I always cried, because of a phase I was going trough.. They called me cry baby.. (OMI To many references xD)

My mom entered my room and sat down beside me. My eyes started to turn blue instead if black, and she left, leaving alone.


Omi, I literally cannot right now.  I picked up "Hello? I said, still crying "Uhm hi Y/N! Are you okay?" A familiar voice said. "Why do you care~"

I'm so evil! xD

BTW sorry about all those Melanie Martinez references, I was listening to her song while writing this so.. :3

Anyways! I hope you guys liked it!

BAAII!! <3

Childhood Love (Gene X Reader) [Prequel to A Broken Girl]Where stories live. Discover now