7. Kawaii~Chan, no pictures!

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Your POV

Beside her I saw Kawaii~Chan, too snatching pictures. Well.. Better get used to it! No.. I can't! This is unacceptable! "What in the name of Irene do you guys think your doing?" I half yelled at them. "But Y/N~Senpai! You and Gene~Kun are so cute together!" She said. Bad excuse!  But I cloud not get mad at her. I haven't seen her since middle school!

"Aww.. How can I be mad at you? Oh wait, like this: DELETE THAT PICTURE NOW OR I WILL NEVER TALK TO YOU AGAIN!" I yelled. "F-fine.." She said.

She looked like she deleted the photo, but I know her. I took her phone and looked at the albums on her phone:

Camera roll, no picture. My photo stream, no picture. All photos, no picture. "Shipping photos", no pictures. "Gene X Y/N photos", no pictures, at all, because I may or may not have deleted the few there were. Deleted photos, BINGO! She didn't fully delete it. She just deleted it one time so that she could rewind it. Then I fully deleted all the pictures of me and Gene.

"There. Now, Kawaii~Chan, listen. You can ship me and Gene all you want. But for Irene sake; ask before taking pictures of us!" I told her. She slowly nodded. "And the same is for you mom!" I said, turning to her. "Okay baby. It's just. Momma is so proud that her little girl has a boyfriend!" She said and started to slowly cry.

"Mom, he's not my boyfriend. We just hung out at the park and then BAM! He kissed me! Nothing more," I said. "Now, Kawaii~Chan, wanna make cookies and then watch My Little Horsies after?" I asked and turned to Kawaii~Chan again. "EEEEKK! YES KAWAII~CHAN WILL! LET'S GO MAKE COOKIES~!" She squealed. I laughed. It's been so long since I last saw her. But still, it's Kawaii~Chan we're talking about here. Forgetting how much she loves cookies is the same thing as say my favorite color is pink. (If your favorite color is pink then choose your second favorite color :3)


Hey guys so.. Sorry about this short chapter. I didn't really have any ideas.. But, I have been writing a bit on the sequel so, I guess that's a good excuse xD And also, u know, I have hell 5 days a week, and those 5 days of hell I have this week just ended.



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