Story 12: 6 years later

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Sans waited outside of the building, taking off his jacket because it, since it was near the beginning of spring, it was starting to become a bit warmer. It was mostly quiet during this time of the day, a few hours after lunch break. However, Sans has just had his, due to his work schedule being very unusual (he can thank his career for that). He was eating at Grillby's when he had gotten a message from Frisk, asking for a quick request. sans, being the skeleton he was, agreed to help her.
It was awhile, but soon the giant doors swung open, and children, from ages 6 to 12, swarmed out. not just human children as well, but monster children. It has been more than twenty years since the monsters have been freed, and all of the restrictions against monsters have been removed. Seeing all of the children and monster children tumble out of it for the day so they could go home or go play sports, made Sans feel a warm feeling inside his stomach.

Most of the children were all clustered together, so Sans had to search through the sea of black, brown, blonde, white, blue and other hair colors. However, instead of Sans finding the one he was sent to look for, she found him.

"Uncle Sans!" He heard a slightly shrill voice cry out, and he turned to see Frisk's daughter Macy run towards him and wrap her arms around his stomach. Sans smiled as the little girl looked up at him with eager-filled eyes. She looked a lot like Frisk, except for the slight greenish tinge to her tan skin, her pointed ears, canines, and the yellow tint to her dark eyes. As well as the accelerated growth in her fingernails.

"Heya kiddo. How was your day?" Sans asked, patting her mess of brown hair with his skeletal hand.

"Same as every other school day, why ask?" Macy was surprisingly mature for her age, probably because her parents were a doctor and an ambassador. But that didn't stop Sans from treating her like the small child she was, no matter how big of a brain she had.
"Because that's what every considerate Uncle will ask their not-really-biological-niece." Sans replied.
Macy gave him a curious look, still (fortunately) too young to understanding biology and genetics (Frisk is gonna have a fun time explaining that to her). But she quickly reverted back to her happy self and began to pull on his hand, leaning in the direction to their house. But Sans had a different idea.
"Follow me. I know a really good shortcut." He said, jutting a skeletal thumb over his shoulder. Macey, having been picked up by Sans numerous times, smiled her bubbly smile and clung tightly to his arm. But it was more out of anticipation rather than fear.
Sans quickly began to walk the opposite direction towards her house. When they reached the corner of the sidewalk, they turned left, and they were inside her home.
Frisk and Jayden had bought a relatively small house, thinking "why waste all the money on a really big house if there's just us three in it?" It was two stories, however the upper floor consisted of only Macey's room and her playroom. Downstairs was a kitchen, dining room, and living room, with the entrance to the parents bedroom in the hallway between the dining room and kitchen room.
Macey began to jump up and down in excitement, the tingling feeling of the teleportation tickling her skin. She rushed to the dining room, which was converted to her practice room, due to the parents finding the dining room pointless. Now all that was still in the room was a shelf covered with different brands of wine, which Macey liked to call the "bad-tasting grape juice," and a piano.
It was the piano that Macey was sprinting towards, her small arms grabbing the stool and pulling with all of her tiny strength. As soon as she got it out a considerable length away from the piano, she hopped on, and tried to play a song.
She only knew one song though, the one her mother had begun to teach her  at a younger age (see music above), however, she could never play the left hand and the right hand piece together yet. So she simply played each piece until she tried to put them together, then would stop when she couldn't figure it out any further.
Sans was watching the small battle between the child and her coordination, when she looked up at him and patted the empty space next to her on the stool. Sans simply sat down, not saying a word while she pointed at the sheet music she was trying to read.
"What note is this?" She asked Sans, pointing at a note that wasn't on the lines of the sheet music, so it was usually hard to guess for beginners which note it was.
"That, kiddo, is a high C# (a C sharp), meant for your left hand to play. Like this." He informed her, and began to play that measure of the left hand song. Macey, being the impatient child she was, quickly swatted his hand away and began to play it herself. Sans chuckled quietly to himself and looked at the determination of this child to learn one simple song.
Just like her mother, he thought.
"That's a very pretty song. Where'd your mother learn it?"
"Momma won't tell me, she just simply calls it 'His Song.'"
Sans, did not know why Frisk decided to call the music piece that of all names. He would've gone with 'Memory,' or something like that. But something in the back of his mind seemed to ache slightly at hearing the title.
He was taken out of his thoughts when Macey looked up at him again and asked him "do you think 'His' is you?"
At hearing this Sans began to laugh a bit.
"No, Macey. I don't know a lot of things about your mother, but I know she didn't name that song after me."


Another weird updating time! This time I was too busy seeing Don't Breathe in theaters. I really liked it, but there were so many plot holes in it that even I could have done a better job fixing them. And Alex could not catch a break I. That entire movie! It was still a good movie! I love indie movies so much!
Anyway, thanks to readers for giving this story over 400 reads! And thanks for sticking with my crappy updating!

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