Story 2: 2 Years After Freedom Day

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      "Why is it that you, as well as your followers, believe that it is an acceptable concept to give monsters the right to vote, Miss Frisk?" The Judge Marie asked, pushing her massive glasses back up her hawk nose for the tenth time. Frisk, who has been sitting patiently during the long, incomprehensible drone of why monsters SHOULDN'T vote from the arguing case, quietly stood up. The humans who were agreeing with Frisk about Monster rights were about to shout and cheer for her, but were instantly quieted down when Judge Marie gave all of them a glaring look.

      "Thank you, your honor. As you must all know, the Ground Constitution states this: 'Us, the people of the Ground, so to make the perfect order, justice, tranquility, welfare, and protect our blessings of liberty, establish this Constitution for the Ground.' It says 'Us, the people.' Not 'Us, the humans.' It is talking about all of the people of this Great Nation. The people who are born into it, live in it, work for it, protect it, and die in it. Now, people might think that since it says 'people,' it means Humans. However, that is not the definition of people. The definition of people is: 'the entire body of persons who constitute a community, tribe, nation, or other group by virtue of a common culture, history, or religion.' The monsters are part of this Nation, and there is nothing that can change that." With that, Frisk quickly sat down, her face calm and relaxing.

      The trial went on, and the Judge chose to let Monsters have the right to vote. Frisk's side was so excited, they ignored Judge Marie's glare and continued to cheer, even when Frisk left the room and walked outside. In the corner of her eye, Frisk saw a skeleton wearing a sky-blue hoodie that was unzipped and had a hood that had fur rimming the edge, and a plain white t-shirt underneath, as well as a pair of black sporty shorts (which seemed suitable for the summer weather). His shoes were black running shoes that seemed a bit too big for his feet. He was balancing a small bone on the tip of his index finger, not even paying attention to how well he was doing. Frisk couldn't help but smile at the sight of a good friend of hers waiting right here for her during the entire Court session. Monsters weren't allowed to be part of the jury yet, which is what Frisk wanted to work on next, as well as equal pay and equal court sessions for accused monsters. Sans stared at her and smiled back. He looked the exact same as he did when they first met. However, she looked very different than what she did two years ago. Her features have become more noticeable, and her face and figure were the right size for a teen. Her hair was pulled up into a elegant bun, and she had he bangs pinned back with a fancy hair clip that Sans had given her for her fourteenth birthday. It was styled to look like a bone, which didn't exactly go with her outfit of a black long-sleeved court-worthy dress, black tights, and black high heels. She also had a special charm bracelet that she had made, and every single charm was a face of every monster in the Undergound. There was a Froggit, Whimsum, Aaron (ugh), Vulkin, Papyrus, Toriel, Asriel, Undyne, Alphys, Mettaton, and more. There was even a little Sans charm on it, although his charm was blue like his jacket while everyone else was a plain silver.

       Sans made the bone disappear into the thin air, and walked towards Frisk.

      "So, how'd it go?" Sans asked, trying his best to sound nonchalant. Frisk's smile turned into a happy grin, and Sans felt himself beginning to blush. Frisk just looked so beautiful, with the sunlight making her hair shine, and her face bright with happiness.

      "Monsters officially have the right to vote!" Frisk nearly screamed. Sans felt his grin grow wider, a chuckle escaped his mouth. Frisk suddenly grabbed his hands with her own, and began to jump with excitement, although she didn't jump that high due to her high heels. Sans was surprised by her sudden change of personality. When she walked in, she seemed like someone who was way too mature for her age, but when she came out, she acted like her old, giddy, carefree nature. Sans was blushing even harder at her touching him, but his hood was pulled over his head, so she couldn't see. Sans couldn't help but feel happy for her.

      "Next I'm gonna try and see if monsters can get better jobs, and see if I can get them the right to marry humans." Frisk said with giddy anticipation. The last one made Sans soul skip a tiny beat, which made him blush even more. Frisk giggled slightly at his bright blue cheekbones, and Sans couldn't help but laugh as well. But that happy moment was quickly cut short when a pair of people walked up to them, a look of anger hidden in their eyes. Frisk quickly let go of Sans hands, and stood up straight, giving the group a small glare of her own. Sans just stood beside her, wondering who this strange group in both suits and natural clothing was.

       "Can I help you?" Frisk asked, her face showing a calm demeanor that Sans couldn't help but admire. He felt eyes staring at him, and he looked to see half of the group was looking him up and down, a disgusted look covering their faces at the sight of his skeletal legs, hands, and face. Sans felt uncomfortable under their glares, so he looked away. Frisk took notice, and tried to gain back their attention.

      "I said can I help you?" She asked once again. A lady in the front of the group looked at Frisk, who was nearly a foot taller than her with her high heels.

       "No. I don't think that you can help us. If anything, I believe that you are actually hindering us." The lady said. Her voice was quite deep for a lady, and seemed very serious. Quite the exact opposite of Frisk's higher-pitched, silvery voice.

       "And how is it that I am hindering you and any progress that you and your companions have?" Frisk asked once again, acting like there wasn't a problem at all or that this conversation was even that important. The group seemed annoyed at Frisk's attitude towards them,

      "I think you know perfectly what you're doing that is "hindering" us, bitch." One of the men said to Frisk in a threatening tone. Sans was about to lift his hand to flick it across his left eye in order to awaken his full power, but was quickly stopped when Frisk raised a hand in front of Sans, telling him to not do anything. The group noticed Frisk's diversion of attention, and looked at Sans. Sans could almost see the revolt in their eyes.

      "Why do you have this Hun follow you around and taint your humanely presence?" The lady in front asked, her nose crinkling in disgust. Sans instantly wanted to use his power to send her flying in the air for that insult. Hun was a word that meant a reckless or uncivilized destroyer, and was usually used as a hateful term for monsters. There were other words that were hurtful to monsters, but this one was the most hateful besides "degenerate.*" Frisk looked sternly at Sans, helping him calm down slightly, however, he had his hand resting on his opposite shoulder so he could release his power in one swift movement.

      "This is Sans the skeleton. He has been my friend for many years, and I would prefer that you wouldn't call him, or any other monster that distasteful word." Frisk said calmly, however you could see the burning of hatred in her eyes at hearing such a horrible name directed towards her friend.

       Sans felt even more admiration towards Frisk. How she was able to stay calm underneath the glaring of many monster oppressors that were likely twice her age, he couldn't figure out. Meanwhile, many of the other group were slowly starting to grow angrier and angrier.

      "Is there anything that I can help you with?" Frisk asks once again.

      "... No, I believe that you can't." The lady said, and she and her group began to walk away. Frisk and Sans were just about to leave themselves, when Sans noticed that the group was whispering to each other, and were looking at him again.


*Degenerate: to fall below a normal or desirable level in physical, mental, or moral qualities.

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