Chance and luck tavros x reader chpt 4

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[>>Your POV]

You wake up that evening to the scent of something dark and rich in your nostrils. Something decadent, sweet, and … male? Your eyes fly open in surprise—immediately slamming closed again as the late evening sun streaming through the open window hits them with a painfully blinding light. You groan, burrowing your face into the dark cover of, from what you can tell, is another body. Your movements appear to wake the person next to you, as they they shift around a bit—flexing the bicep you were seeking protection against, curling their body inward and lifting their free hand to your back—before letting out a pained hiss as, no doubt, they encountered the same painful light beam you had. The hand leaves your back to cover their line of sight, and they roll off the couch to shut the drapes over by the window. As the room goes dark again you carefully look up to spy Tavros rubbing his watering eyes. You notice he had taken off his socks and sandals sometime during the day, his metallic feet making an appearance from under his black pants. You had the fleeting thought that Equius does beautiful work, as you find them... oddly attractive. Cute. 

As those shiny toes begin to come closer you snap out of your admiration. No, stop it ____. The last thing you need is to scare your only hope of a fast recovery away with your creepy attractions. You glance up, seeing the rapidly blinking eyes that are just beginning to turn brown at the iris from the original grey. 

“Are you alright, Tav? You didn’t go blind, did you?” 

“uH, nO, i’M FINE,,, i JUST, wELL, i JUST THOUGHT THAT MAYBE i SHOULD CLOSE THE WIDOW, oR SOMETHING, sO IT WOULDN’T HURT YOU, oR, UH, ME,,,” He scrubs his eyes once more, moving a palm back to rub his neck as well. “aT LEAST, nOT ANY MORE THAN IT ALREADY DID, oF COURSE,,,” You frown. 

“I’m sorry. I should have thought to close the window.” 

“wELL, iN ALL HONESTY, iT WASN’T ANYONES FAULT, rEALLY,,, i MEAN, yOU DIDN’T EXPECT ME TO SLEEP IN HERE, aND, wELL, nIETHER DID i, bUT, i GUESS WHAT i’M SAYING IS, yOU HAD NO REASON TO THINK YOU SHOULD HAVE IN THE FIRST PLACE,,, aND, uH, nO ONE WAS HURT FROM IT, sO YOU DON’T HAVE TO BE SORRY, aLRIGHT?” You found it adorable how he could babble sometimes, his ears pinned to the sides of his head, but right now you were a little too worried for that enjoyment. 

“Come here.” Tavros hesitates, squinting somewhat at you. “Come on, Tavros. I want to see your eyes for myself and decide whether or not I should be sorry.” You motion to him and he complies hesitantly, sitting down and turning his face toward yours. You lightly place your fingers under his jaw with one hand, feeling as well as seeing him swallow. With your other hand you apply pressure to the back of his skull, bringing him closer for inspection. He braces an arm on the couch between you for balance, his shoulders getting tense, his breath coming shorter as you lean closer. With your fingers you carefully pull the eyelids apart, wincing at the redness of them and inspecting the pupils—which are dilated, but otherwise unharmed. You stroke his cheek in apology, letting him close his eyes again. A tremor ripples over his skin, probably from the discomfort.

“I have something that might help the swelling. Hold on.” As you go to get up a hand grasps your wrist, keeping you on the sofa. 


“No offense, Tav, but bull. You’re really tense. And if it isn’t the sun damage, it’s something. You can tell me, you know. I just want to help. You’re already doingme a favor.” Tavros opens his mouth, glancing down at the wrist he holds captive, but says nothing. “You can tell me, Tavros. No matter what it is.” 

[>>Tavros’s POV]

You swallow, throat suddenly dry and your bloodpusher pumping heavily. The truth is, its ____’s presence which is making you tense. The feel of her soft hands on your skin sets vibrations throughout your body; the gentle puff of her exhalations against your face ignites a deep-seated need to claim her mouth with your own. You can almost taste the sweetness of her breath… 

But how would she react to such news? Would she send you away? Laugh at you like Vriska had sweeps ago? 

“Tavros?” You glance up, looking her in the eye. Her anxiety is evident, and you suddenly feel guilty for making her worry. Biting your lower lip you glance back to the hand in your grasp, your thumb stroking over the soft skin of her inner wrist. You have to tell her. She has a right to know. 

You take a deep breath. 

[>>Your POV]

“Tavros?” His eyes meet yours briefly, causing your heart to stutter at the wary uncertainty there. The feel of his thumb stroking your wrist causes the hair to stand up on your arms, making you hyperaware of your surroundings. Your skin tingles all the way to your toes, your breath catching at the unfamiliar sensation and making you a little nervous of the gentle troll. Ridiculous, really. You open your mouth to demand he tell you his problem when he looks up with such an expression of determination your voice trails off. 

“____, i, uH, i’M FLUSHED FOR YOU, aND, tHOUGH i DON’T EXPECT YOU TO FEEL THE SAME, i JUST THINK,,, wELL, i HOPE YOU WILL AT LEAST THINK ABOUT, mAYBE, A MATESPRITSHIP? bUT, iF NOT, i STILL WANT TO, yOU KNOW, hELP YOU GET BETTER, iF i CAN,,, aND, iF YOU’LL LET ME,,,” You bite your lip hesitantly, looking about the room in surprise before settling your eyes back on his face. You open your mouth, uncertain what you are going to say, but it doesn’t really matter. 

At that moment Tavros’s lips descent to meet yours. Your gasp opens your lips further, allowing him to invade with his chocolate taste. His palm cups the rear of your neck, his body pushing yours back into the cushions of the couch. One mechanical leg swings over you to allow him better access to your face and he sits himself astride your lap, a thigh on either side of you, trapping you in a brave maneuver. You fist the lapels of his over shirt, body exploding into a mixture of powerful sensations at the touch of his mouth. His kiss is slow and gentle, though unyielding. His tongue twists about, tasting, claiming, and reminding you of a certain other part of troll anatomy which causes you to blush deeply. 

Finally he pulls back, allowing the two of you to breathe. His eyes search yours, questioning them. You flush and look down, then blush even more deeply and look back when you notice the bulge at the front of his pants. 

“Tavros, I…” You gasp for breath. “I don’t know…” His face falls, a pained wince contorting his features. 

“i,” He swallows thickly. “i UNDERSTAND, ____,,, tHIS WON’T HAPPEN AGAIN, i PROMISE,,,” He moves off you, swinging his leg off the sofa. You catch his wrist this time, his hurt expression paining you more than you care to look into. Your touch seems to freeze him in his path. 

“Tav, I’m… I’m not saying ‘no,’ just… well, give me some time to think about it, okay? You’re...” You laugh softly. “You’re really sweet. But this isn’t something I’m comfortable jumping into headfirst. Just…give me a little more time to know you, alright?”

Tavros gazes at you with a look of relief and hope, and you are suddenly glad you didn’t toss him out on his backside. He loosens your grasp on his arm, capturing your hand and bringing your knuckles gratefully to his lips.

“tHANK YOU, ____,,, tHANKS, fOR GIVING ME A CHANCE.” He gives you his shy smile, and you feel a small answering grin spread across your face in return.

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