Part 1

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Han Mina was walking down the streets of Seoul nearly asleep. Her job is tiring and lately she would be in charge of the night shift and even works extra time to pay her apartment. She works at a call center of car assurance.

The Starbucks coffee was cool by now. Even though she tried to drink it, because she hates wasting money and food. She wondered about the time she will arrive at home and fall into the pillows on her fluffy bed.

At the same time Kim Minseok walked out of the building. He covered himself in the disguise he had selected with the manager.

The night was beautiful and that's one of the reasons why Minseok wants to walk home by himself. He wants to see the city he lives in and not driving all the way in a van forgetting what the outside looks like.
Since his group was about to perform its comeback he seemed worn out. He had to work out, practise, sing and take care of himself all the time. He didn't have any free time to just chill out anymore. Minseok's group mates are his best friend's but lately he was even annoyed by them. It's not like they became more annoying than those freaky guys were before, it's more like Minseok didn't have time for himself. He couldn't sleep at home alone but had to stay in the dorms, he couldn't eat calmly but in huge company and even sometimes he wasn't alone in the bathroom. He didn't like it at all but tried to endure it. "It will be better after the comeback again." He always told himself that sentence to put his mind at ease.

He stopped in front of a huge Christmas tree. He sighed. He would be alone again this year. Alone but with the some of the others who couldn't be home too because of different reasons. Does it have to be always the same? He definitely looked for changes in his life. The life of an idol might be interesting and never boring but he wanted change in his personal side-life.

While he stared at that huge tree someone stood beside him. Her figure was ordinary and nothing special. Brown hair, nice eyes and cute cheeks. He looked away and walked past her and in the direction of his dormitory. She sighed and walked in the exact opposite direction to a burger shop.
Mina didn't eat a lot today. That's why she walked into the reeking store and bought something to fill her stomach. Healthy food might be good but it's expensive. Not that rich people spend their money on other things and can't afford paying high prices for fewer items. She knows it's sad.
Minseok's stomach growled and told him to grab some food before going home. He turned and stepped through the door of that burger shop she walked in. He didn't notice her, because she was ordinary. Idols should only see people with an equal level of beauty. At least that's what he and his group mates were told. "Bullshit." He thought. "Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it." Minseok thought Confucius was absolutely right by that, but of course he didn't notice Mina. He didn't see her beauty.

She didn't notice him either. Minseok wasn't her type at all. Of course she let her eyes slide around the shop looking for a suitable guy, because she felt lonely lately. It's not like a perfect guy would pop up directly in front of her. That would even be weird. Like he was called or something. No. She wouldn't want it that way. More like ordinary people meet. Not the romantic stuff like in this case accidently ordering the same synchronised. No that's slushy.

Minseok didn't want to have a woman beside him. His past girlfriend just nagged and wanted expensive stuff from him. No way would he want another annoying human next to him. A good friend besides his members would be nice but he wouldn't want a weird story how they met. He liked it natural and easy.

Both ordered and Mina sat down on a barstool in front of the huge window. She looked outside and amused herself about the people walking by.
Minseok didn't find a place to sit except that stool next to Miss Ordinary. He didn't mind and sat down. They both ate their stuff and were about to go home individually. But then. SPLASH.

Some weirdo dropped his hot coffee mostly on Mina and a little bit went on Minseok. Minseok noticed that the coffee was burning hot and it really hurt him on the back. His eyes met Mina's her tears streamed down. "Fuck. That must really hurt. Mostly all of it was on her back." Since they were in a restaurant they had put off their thick jackets and Mina just wore a thin shirt. Then finally the guy said sorry and ran out of the shop. People were gathering around them asking if they were okay. Minseok nodded but Mina was crying hard, hissing and groaning because of the pain.
But even more hurting was the attention Mina got. She hated it. She whispered: "When will they go away?" Between her sobs. Minseok looked at her. He must've heard it. He stood up.

Suddenly he grabbed her stuff and threw her over his shoulder. Her back was facing the ceiling so it didn't hurt her burned skin.
"I'll take you to the hospital. Don't complain." He stated. She hummed as agreement. She wanted to escape the scene and that guy was helping her. She didn't complain like other extroverted girls wanting to get attention. She appreciated the help and thanked him politely. Minseok liked that she didn't say anything bothering and brought her quickly to the hospital, because he knew that harming the skin can be troublesome.

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