The zombie who fears wolfs

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The next day......
There Josh sat in bed at 10am trying to use his powers again,
"Come on Mr.right, please open the door, fly and open the door Mr.right please" yesterday when he told his right hand to get the key to uncuff him it did so why not today, right?

The superhearing of a vampire can hear lots especially for tracking prey but for Perkus all he heard was Josh talking to his hand, it was very annoying and Perkus couldn't handle it So he barged into Joshes room and yelled
"When one wants to move their
legs must they speak out aloud when one desires food must they command themselves out loud? Huh?"

Josh was confused he had no idea what that meant but he just ignored it. At the breakfast table Josh sat alone at the table along with Melane, they waited for about awkward 5 minutes before Melane told Josh to go get the others.
Josh ran through the halls to his siblings rooms it was amazing how he wasn't able to get tired.
Josh openned Perkus' door where without knocking and saw him eating a dead mouse,
"Ummmm sorry but Melane said to go eat breakfast" Josh said and quickly closed the door then ran the next room.

He knew that his life was about to get really creepy living with monsters so he just ignored seeing his brother eat a mouse. The next room was Acacia's this time he knocked before going in
"Just come in I have nothing to hide" she said so Joshed walked in to see Acacia in her bra and panties looking in her closet, he covered his eyes because being gay he didn't like the sight of an exposed woman
"Melane said to come downstairs to eat" he said "I'll come when I pick out my clothes" she said
"Ok" Josh said while running away again
The next room was Paylahs.
As Josh approached the door he heard flames and yelling he opened the door to see hell itself he said flames everywhere and people being killed man in black robed were killing innocent people and he heard Payah laughing.
This time Josh just screamed an ran Acacia came out of her room and short shorts and a crop top
And closed Paylahs room
"Don't go in that room ever" she started saying "That's where Paylah does her spirit stuff."

Acacia didn't look at Josh while she was talking to him Cause she was too damn busy on that damn phone. Josh was still in shock he was breathing heavily he was unable to recover from seeing a massacre, Paylah walked out of the room and saw Josh on the floor tearing up she was about to say something but didn't she just continued walking towards the kitchen. The next and final room was Theens as if Josh wasnt already scared from seeing Payah room, "What if he kills me he sense my fear" he said to himself.

Sweat ran down Josh's face, his heart pounded against his hollow zombie chest and his breathing was loud. He put his fist up to the door about to knock and that's exactly what he did right after knocking the door his legs trembled in fear he just called the big bad wolf, anything could happen he could die be eaten or even tourchered.
"Why are you so scared" a voice said coming from behind Josh, it was Theen's dark masculine voice. Slowly Josh turned his head to him even though Theen was only a few inches taller that him Josh felt like he was looking up to a skyscraper
"Umm... Ummmm... Ummmm.." Josh couldn't say anything his was tantalized by the crazy wolf infront of him
Theen looked down at him waiting for him to speak "Are you going to speak" he said in his annoyed tone, but Josh couldn't he just ran to the kitchen. Theen had no reaction he didn't realize that Josh was scared (somehow). Yesterday he witnessed Theen brutally attack dwarfs and yell at everyone he just seemed to be the most ruthless off all the siblings. In the dinning hall everyone sat waiting for Theen, When he arrived he sat beside Josh while doing so everyone looked surprised even the skeletons Butlers, the gigantic table had 20 different seats nobody ever sat beside anyone.
Melane didn't understand why Theen chose to sit beside Josh but she was happy, Josh on the other hand was shaking he didn't know if he'd be killed by Theen by the end of breakfast.
"Theen, take Josh to the mall and tell him about this city and buy some more fruits" As Melane said this everyone looked shocked why would she do this, she knew that Theen was crazy.

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