Chapter 1

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    I am Alyssa Lovelace, and I hear voices. I am not crazy, but I hear voices. Familiar voices. I look around. Every time I look at a person, one voice is louder than the others. No one is moving their mouth, yet I am hearing their voices. I sit here wondering. I discover that I can block the voices when I want to. I look around for my friend Tori Mailynn, when she sees me I mouth to her "Meet me in the bathroom after class". I finish taking notes and the bell rings. I leave quickly, and pass my locker. I turn around to go back, but I am dragged to the bathroom by Tori.

    As I am rushed down the hall by Tori, we pass Lindsey Carlese, our other best friend, she looks weirded out, but she knows Tori and I are weird, so she continues walking with her boyfriend. Tori and I go to the bathroom right in front of the band room, since band is next. "I know it’s important, but sheesh, I didn't even get to get my band books! I'm gonna be in trouble!" I say to her lifting my sleeve to check if she left a bruise. "Look at this! Look at it!" I say looking down at the bruise.

    While I am talking to Tori, she runs into a stall. “Are you trying to ignore me?” I ask her looking down at my feet. I walk over to her and grab her arm.

     I look at her, her eyes full of annoyance, probably from the noise. “No, Im fine, but we need to talk." I grab her arm and lead her out of the school, leaving our bags in the bathroom. We sit down on the curb. "In English, I heard things. Voices. Tori, no one, and I mean no one was moving their mouth. When I looked at one person, one voice grew louder than the rest.” I said slowly ripping apart a leaf

    Tori looked up at me, with her eyes wide. She wiped her tear-filled eyes, and said, “Are you serious? That happened to me, and I thought it was a dream, but apparently it is not. It will not stop, It’s so loud, that’s why I am getting a headache.”

    “I’ve got mine controlled," I say looking at her, "somewhat, but I’m scared. What do we need to do?” I turn and look at a flower out of the corner of my eye.

    “How did you get it under control, it is killing me. I need help. We shouldn’t tell anyone about this.” She replied fiddling with her locket.

    “I have no idea,” I began, “I just did.”

    We walk over to a puddle, and look down at our reflection. My long slim body towers over the small puddle. My long, blonde hair with hot pink tips waving in the wind, my long, dark eyelashes curling above my light blue eyes. Tori’s short, brunette hair with bangs that always has a different color streak, which is red at the moment, held in place by a bobby pin, her dark, green eyes sparkle, still wet with tears. I see a shadow coming behind us, and quickly turn; grabbing the pepper spray I keep in my back pocket. It’s Lindsey. “Where did you come from?” Tori asked her.

      Lindsey looks at me and Tori then smiles. “Yea,” I add “you scared me!”

    Lindsey giggles, she loves to scare people. “Well, I was on my way to the bathroom, so after I went, I saw ya’ll out here and came out here myself. What are ya’ll doing out here anyways?” She asks us, while pulling out a mirror and checking on her makeup.  I look at Tori to see if I should tell her, after all, she is one of my best friends. Tori nods and Lindsey looks confused.

    I watch Lindsey’s brown hair flap in the wind. She walks up to us and asks, “What’s going on?” I bite my lip nervously, and look her in the eyes. “Tori and I are,” I pause, “psychic.”

    She looks at me like she doesn’t believe me. “No,” she says, “You’re tricking me.”

   She turns around and is about to walk off when I grab her arm and turn her around. “Lindsey, I am not tricking you I swear! Just… Think of a number.”

     She looks at me, her brown eyes wide and says, “No, I’m not doing that.”

    “Lindsey, you have to believe me, do it.” I tell her shoving my hands deep into my pockets.

    “Fine,” she says looking me in the eye, “Ok, got one.” She tries so hard not to smile, but fails greatly.

    I look at her and say “17.” I turn and look at Tori to see what she’s doing, and sure enough, she is still fiddling with her locket.

   Lindsey drops her mirror, which surprisingly doesn’t break, “Oh my gosh. That’s exactly what I was thinking!” She exclaimed.

    I pick up Lindsey’s mirror, and hand it to her. I look over her shoulder, and my eyes grow wide at what I see behind her. 

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